NUFORC UFO Sighting 177044

Occurred: 2023-07-27 21:09 Local
Reported: 2023-07-27 10:40 Pacific
Duration: Every night
No of observers: 6

Location: Sardasht, Kurdistan Province, Iran
Location details: Roof of my house

Shape: Star
Characteristics: Lights on object

I saw many many moving stars through the night

They are moving in a constant speed in only one direction.

They look exactly just like stars but they are moving

I have been noticing them for the past year

I have at least 6 other ppl who saw them too

I have researched a lot they are not satellites or Metroids

Each of them move in one random direction with a constant speed

The provided images taken using my phone

But there are lines of light, those lines are the stars that are moving they are not lines they just look like lines in the photo (the reason they are lines is because they are moving, if you look at other normal stars they just look normal)

Posted 2023-07-29

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