NUFORC Sighting 176735

Occurred: 2023-05-01 21:13 Local
Reported: 2023-07-13 00:18 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute 39 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Meredith, NH, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

Filmed a light fly silently across the sky.

I was walking my dog when I noticed a light flying across the sky. There was no sound and normally I'd hear a plane, it was also just a single light and wasn't blinking red and white like airplanes do. I've had sightings in the past so I pulled out my phone and filmed it cross the sky. In the past I've seen a single light like this make a very fast zig zag maneuvre before accelerating out of sight at impossible speed, (though this object just travels straight across the sky), which is why I decided to film. I'm not sure what this is, but I wanted to pass it along. I'm fine with being contacted for follow up if needed (or if the video didn't upload), but I'd prefer to remain anonymous in any publishing (web or otherwise). Also, I'm not usually up until the afternoon.

Posted 2023-07-29

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