NUFORC Sighting 176693

Occurred: 2022-05-11 02:10 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-07-10 21:08 Pacific
Duration: 40 minutes minimum
No of observers: 1

Location: Aurora, IN, USA
Location details: Walmart

Shape: Light

Bright white light.

I went to lunch a little after 2 am I'm sitting in my car eating my lunch when I see a bright white light in the sky at first I didn't think much about because I knew there was a major airport not to far from there and passed it off as a plane with its lights on coming straight towards me. So I'm eating listening to music and I glance over and its still there I said to myself that there is no way that was a plane because a plane would have either turned or passed overhead in 20 minutes time.
So my next thought was its a star then I started thinking if it is a star it would still have moved some.
I decided to do a test and went to grab my phone to video it but then had a feeling not to because it wouldn't work.
So my test was to see if it was moving slowly like a star. I rolled the passenger side window up to where the very top of the window blocked the light and had my head propped against the headers of my seat so my head wouldn't move around and closed my right eye and as soon as I did that it moved straight up an inch and stopped.

So I thought this is crazy tried it a different way and lined it up with the top of the door to where I could barely see it and it stayed there not moving at all so I tried it the same way as the first time and the same exact results. I was thinking well whatever it is is playing games with me or wanting me to see it.

Then lunch was about over so I headed back in because it was almost 3 am.

Posted 2023-07-29

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