NUFORC Sighting 176680

Occurred: 2019-01-15 21:00 Local
Reported: 2023-07-10 18:35 Pacific
Duration: About 60 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Penfield, NY, USA
Location details: Turned right onto Fellows Road and as we drove, the Eagle Vale golf course was on our right hand

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

Me and my brother witnessed 3 lights moving at a very low altitude relatively slowy. We pulled over in a car and watched a Triangle

I saw 3 non-blinking lights in a triangular formation flying low and slow. It was moving North/ North East. It was at most only 30 degrees above the horizon. We were facing south. I could tell it was not an airplane instinctively due to the lights not blinking and the strange triangle formation.

I said "do you see that" and pointed. The driver said "yes" and slowed the vehicle and pulled over to the right side shoulder of the road so we could watch it and get a better look. We both knew immediatly this was something unusual.

As we sat in the motionless car on the side of the road, the 3 lights came closer and closer and passed by us light 2 ships crossing paths in the night. We watched as "it" floated past us on the right and we could see underneath it as it was almost directly above us. In fact, it would have been directly above the golf course about 50 to 100 feet to our right. And was about 100-300 feet up in the air. As is travelled a straight path from directly ahead of us due south, over the golf course and finally off towards the skyline of Rochester it broke our visual contact behind the trees that bordered the golf course. It covered about a half mile in the minute or so we had visual contact so it was moving about 30mph.

I call it an "it" because we saw the body of it. We saw all 3 lights were fixed to 1 vehicle/object that was clearly a triangle or triangular prism. We couldnt see the top as only the bottom was illuminated by the 3 lights, so it may have been a triangular prism. But we could see the matte black solid figure of a rigid craft because it blocked the moonlit sky and stars as it passed. I'll never forget the triangle shape blocking out the stars as it passed, visually showing where the edges were.

The lights illuminated the hull, and the lights illuminated the cloud/fog cover around it such that we could see it was clearly 1 solid object. It was not 3 orbs of light. It was a solid craft that had distinct edges and a distinct shape. We saw not just the lights, but the distinct "hull," body or whatever you want to call it.

We confirmed with each other what we just saw and he pulled up onto the empty road and finished driving home almost speechless.

Posted 2023-07-29

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