NUFORC Sighting 176249

Occurred: 2023-06-07 20:20 Local
Reported: 2023-06-13 07:51 Pacific
Duration: Hovering
No of observers: 3

Location: Baker ?, CA, USA
Location details: Mojave desert

Shape: Other

Black boot shaped hovering over desert

I was traveling to Henderson Nevada with my daughter-in-law granddaughter and daughter while driving on the freeway. My daughter-in-law took a quick second look and said oh my god what is that? She asked my granddaughter do you see it? My granddaughter said yes what is that and my daughter as well saw it, they said it was black dark black shaped almost like a hook or a boot somewhere around on top just hovering like floating in the desert. I was traveling on the highway so I couldn’t take my eyes off the wheel, but all three of the girls saw it , we unfortunately did not get a photo. Has anyone else reported this ,what is it? It wasn’t anything that we would’ve seen here It was dark black. Round top slim neck then a little wider down and with a hook out. They described it as looking like a boot. In the middle of nowhere in the desert, with no town, we were already well beyond the airbase that I am aware of as we were headed towards the Las Vegas area, but we were still in the California side. I had my daughter draw a picture of what they saw, and my granddaughter and my daughter-in-law, and they all come up with the shape that’s kind of rounded on top comes down and almost looks like a boot or a hook, but solid black.

Posted 2023-07-10

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