NUFORC UFO Sighting 175842

Occurred: 2023-05-19 23:21 Local
Reported: 2023-05-19 23:36 Pacific
No of observers: 2

Location: Redfield, AR, USA
Location details: NCTR road going down into lock and dam 5

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects, Changed Color, Animals reacted

Huge spaceship floating over the car.

First let me start with nctr only has one way in and one way out. I have been going to this place since I was 16 years old I have never seen anything of the sorts here. My fiancé and I drive this road At least 1 time everyday on good days we will drive it 2 maybe 3 times of the day. It’s my favorite place. Tonight we had an amazing lightning storm which we don’t normally get. I decided to go later in the night since my kid was staying with my cousin. It was 11 when we turned down nctr and went over the train tracks. I immediately noticed a star in the sky and announced to my fiancé that was weird being as the sky was so cloudy from the storm. He started to pay attention to it more at this point, he says did that just move I told him I didn’t know I couldn’t see it from the windshield he said holly shit it did move it changed from a one star looking light then it spreaded apart into 3 star looking lights with 3 red lights in the tips of the triangle on the bottom of the ship my fiancé said “look out the window I got the steering wheel” I did a quick head tilt to the left out of my window and I saw 2 white lights with a red light flashing between the white one I stated “that’s just a tower baby” immediately I realized there was no tower in the field there is actually a pond down in a valley right in that area and it is now open almost all of the trees have been cut to where you can see down to the pond. Once again 5 seconds go by and my fiancée is grabbing the wheel again telling me to look out of my window that I wouldn’t believe was I was fixing to see that he thought if I didn’t look right then I was going to miss it. I rolled my window back down enough where I could tilt my head to the side again but this time I couldn’t see it I stuck my head out of my window and looked straight up above my car. It was SO HUGE!!!!!!!! I can’t even explain the texture of the ship. It looked shiny but gooey like if you were to touch it slime would be stuck to your hand it was most definitely a black vessel. it was as low as the trees I’d say only 100ft above my car I felt in immediate danger and took off keep in mind the speed limit is 45 on this road and yes if my daughter isn’t in the car I ride 5 over so I was going 50mph I speed to the river and just sat there for a few seconds trying to get the courage up to drive back down the road to get out of nctr to come back home for the night. It was excatly 11:22 when I looked out of my window and the ship was above my car did I mention there was NO SOUND!!!! It was just hovering silently no wind from it no sound waves after I took off nothing!!!! There was a car behind me at the time but I am not sure if they saw it they kept going I assume they live down there somewhere they were going just as fast as I was I hit 70mph trying to get somewhere safe feeling to turn around. I was so excited at first then my body just told me to run!! We finally talked ourselfs back up to leave I called my mom as soon as I got service and made her stay on the phone with us becusse we were freaking out looking the whole sky trying to see where it went! We NEVER FOUND IT!!!!! It was gone by the time we made it back down the road! That confirmed it WAS NOT A TOWER. I realized afterwards I never heard one cricket the whole time I was down the road which is extremely not normal.

Posted 2023-07-10

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