NUFORC Sighting 175364

Occurred: 2021-06-11 22:15 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-04-13 08:01 Pacific
Duration: 5-10 minutes
No of observers: 1 - Aviation Expert

Location: Huntley, IL, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object

clear night sky van-sized object floating no sound

Seen from backyard of my house
Object above neighbors house 20 meters up
Assumed frame or solid structure/fuselage of object but exact shape unable to determine
Consisted of a series of roundish lights that had to be connected to a platform that was not seeable because of the lights around it.
Object was supposedly round but could have been any shape
Size approx of a minivan or moving van.
Height 4 meters
Width 8 meters
Lights arranged around a central platform - assumed
Some lights moved up from facing the ground to facing 90 degrees from previous facing so that object showed multiple lights around it, each light about the size of 72" TV screen; almost the size of large landing lights on 777
8 light "fixtures" assumed because of their mechanical smooth operation of flipping up from facing down
Blue Green Red White
Object rotated several times
Object stopped rotating when green lights where at the "rear"
Object then moved without any wind or noise generated toward an open field then shot strait up until size and sight were lost
Followed object from its location above neighbor house to my street - I went through the house to continue watching could not grab phone fast enough so no pictures
Before object moved off from the backyard and over neighbors house, I put my arms out and said loudly to it "Guys.. what are you doing??"
I said this because I assumed it was a terrestrial object even though the lights were of LED insane brightness.
Suspicion: Never before recorded UAP
Why: Witness (me) is UFO enthusiast with many reputable books and research on the subject
Background: Aviation technical writer and metals machinist

Also: extreme clear skies (vis 100 miles)
Do not remember seeing moon, likely no moon

Unsure of date; might be a summer earlier perhaps even before covid.

Why the late report? took this long to find this site to make the report.

I personally with all my travel and machine experience cannot explain what kind of craft it could have been.

No rotors no tail no wings.

Object speed: greater than 80mph. Vertical speed almost same but likely greater

Posted 2023-05-19

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