NUFORC UFO Sighting 175361
Occurred: 2023-04-13 00:00 LocalReported: 2023-04-13 11:55 Pacific
Duration: 45 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Mount Ephraim, NJ, USA
Location details: Right behind Nicholson Rd.
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Changed Colo
10’x10x10’ magnificent triangle craft aprox 25 feet in the air flew slowly over us and past us at a somewhat slow pace.
My girlfriend and I were in an outside for a couple of hours because it was just a gorgeous night. We had the back door open again just going in and out here in there when my girlfriend stepped out back and in an instant told me to come here, as I went out back she asked is that a plane? At first I said yes but immediately I realized it was far from a plane. It was flying relatively low maybe 25/30 feet in the air, approaching from the east and at first you couldn’t really make out what shape it was. In front it had blue, red and green lights. It look like just a straight line approaching us again somewhat slowly and low. But as it came closer and closer to the point where it was directly over our head, you can clearly see it was a brilliant triangle underneath it had four lights. Lights of colors I’ve never seen before, on each of the corners of the triangle they were this gorgeous and brilliant red color. In the middle, it was this golden yellow light. I could have literally threw a tennis ball with no strength and hit. It almost felt like it was a personal experience just for us, and it kept flying towards the west. Again, at a slow pace. It made no sound whatsoever, and it floated or a flew like nothing, even the air affected it. It was so gorgeous and magnificent, brilliant, and absolutely profoundly life-changing. As it kept flying, we watched it keep heading towards the west end. At that point, I said out loud “come back”. At which point it made this insane U-turn now heading back towards the east but a lot further than it was just a few seconds ago we both thought it was coming back and with that it just kept flying and started heading north to the point where it just became a very small red Spot. I have no idea how many miles it traveled within just a few short seconds but as it was over our head, it was going so slow that it felt like it was just checking us out. This experience just about 14 to 16 hours ago. Profoundly has changed my perspective on life and the universe. This was no illusion, and it was not created between our two minds. This craft again felt like it personally was stopping by to say hello I’m here. I wish I had a phone and I hear that all the time on these stories. However, neither one of us had our phones or even thought to use it if in fact, we did have it in our possession. We were transfixed from the moment we saw it coming. This is true is the ground I walk on. Main facts again. Made NO sound whatsoever. Light spectrums I’ve never seen before. Flew like nothing not even a piece of concrete would have stopped it. Almost like it was in its own gravitational polarity. Saw no air running over it or behind it. Absolutely mind blowing.
Posted 2023-05-19
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