NUFORC UFO Sighting 175356
Occurred: 2023-03-02 19:29 LocalReported: 2023-04-13 15:05 Pacific
Duration: 5 min+
No of observers: 0
Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Location details: Looking west from Hayden and Via de Ventura I captured these lights over Phoenix or west of Phoenix,
Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Changed Colo
At about 7:25pm while getting out of my car I saw 2 lights over Phoenix. I took some photos and a video.
Lights started with 2. When videoing with my Apple 11 cell phone, the video immediately shows them power up? Then the one on the bottom left dissolved and there was only one. Then at about 38 seconds it seemed to power up again. Towards the end at about 53 seconds the light/sphere took a very sharp/fast downward turn. I ran into house to get my landlord and within 2 minutes it was not there when we came back outside. Other video shows a little bit of color change from very light pale green to pink to yellow to white again..
Posted 2023-05-19
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