NUFORC UFO Sighting 175353
Occurred: 2022-12-16 15:29 LocalReported: 2023-04-13 20:15 Pacific
Duration: ~25 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Rockford, AL, USA
Location details: Logging company land in rural area
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
Unidentifiable Glowing Object
This was the first experience I’ve had seeing a UFO/UAP. I was hunting one afternoon in December of 2022 about an hour or 2 before sundown. I was in a tree stand looking down into a hardwood bottom. Behind me was wide open clear cut. I would occasionally turn my head to look behind me to see if anything was moving across the cutover. Right before 3:30PM, I turned my head and something immediately caught my eye in the sky. It was a circular, maybe oval, shaped object. It seemed to be glowing but I assumed it to be reflecting light from the sun due to it being a bright white/yellowish glow. As soon as I saw it I knew something was off. I immediately started trying to deduce things in my head on what it could be but could not come to a conclusion. This object was flying extremely low, too low for commercial aircraft. It was also moving slowly, also too slow for commercial aircraft in my opinion (considering it’s low altitude.) It did not have any wings, propellers, etc. It didn’t have any sound or navigation lights. It appeared from NW and was traveling SE. I was stunned and watched it for about 10 seconds until I realized I needed to record it. I reached in my pocket, got my phone, opened the camera, and by the time I found it in the lens it was already all the way across the other side of the cutover. I captured a 9 second video before it disappeared. Unfortunately the video wasn’t great because it happened quickly. Keep in mind, the area I’m hunting is in central Alabama and very rural. There’s very few people who live around this area. There’s no nearby big cities, airports, or military bases. I’m not saying it couldn’t be one of those just flying over, but I’m not convinced it was. This was the first object I saw that I deemed to be unidentifiable to my knowledge, and it was during the broad day.
Posted 2023-05-19
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