NUFORC UFO Sighting 175342

Occurred: 2015-07-15 16:40 Local
Reported: 2023-04-14 16:52 Pacific
Duration: Three minutes
No of observers: -2

Location: Ivanhoe, CA, USA
Location details: Highway 216 north bound

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

Cloaked aircraft followed by cloaked chase plane headed to China Lake Naval Air Station Air Space flies over Highway 216, 080 degrees

((name deleted))
Apr 13, 2023, 7:01 PM (21 hours ago)
to ((e-address deleted))

Approx.. 10 years ago an elongated, fiery red, white, orange, object flew over highway 216, on a heading of Approx.. 080 degrees magnetic, half way between Ivanhoe, Ca. and the Saint Johns river, directly in front of me as I drove my vehicle northbound on highway 216. The horizontally elongated object was quite low and possibly descending slightly at roughly 2000 to 3000 feet agl; it appeared to be on fire and seemed to be trailing fiery debris slightly above and behind it. I could not discern a specific shape only an elongated fiery blob with trailing debris, yet the debris remained connected to the main fiery blob. As the object passed by me I continued north bound and ended up directly behind the object and observed, two, distinct, totally unobscured, features resembling afterburners; One smaller, in the upper debris area and one larger, in the lower elongated main portion of the fiery object. The lower afterburner appeared to be three to four times larger than the upper afterburner, yet they were otherwise identical. It suddenly dawned on me this was some sort of cloaked aircraft accompanied by a chase plane employing cloaking technology. It reminded me of the chase planes I had seen as a youth at Edwards Air Force Base accompanying the XB-70. As I continued north bound the object disappeared behind the foothills and because it was so low I listened for an explosion thinking it might crash but obviously it did not. When I returned home I projected its course of 080 degrees on the sectional chart, over the mountains, and it lead directly to China Lake Naval Air station Air Space.

Posted 2023-05-19

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