NUFORC UFO Sighting 175341
Occurred: 2008-07-01 03:10 Local - ApproximateReported: 2023-04-14 17:29 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds-ish
No of observers: 8
Location: Skellefteå, Västerbotten County, Sweden
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Left a trail
It appeared out of nowhere, and then silently took off and formed a tracer
My dad turned 50 and had rented Folkets Hus in Örviken outside Skellefteå, where they live, and we had a huge party. I was sort of "personel" on this party so I kept sober and when the guests had left me, my family, my mothers parents and the band consisting of her colleagues (teachers on Ursviksskolan) stayed. I was carrying boxes of dishes back to the car, when I noticed the band smoking by their van. I joined them and smoked a cigarette and as we stood watching the clear star sky we saw ISS fly by. A band member, I can't remember which, made a joke about it being "the mothership". As soon as he said that... Ok, I need to describe how this place looks. It's "Folkets Hus" in Örviken, and it's in a small peninsula with a single road. If you walk out the house you go to a parking lot with the road to your left, and coast to your right, and on the other side of the road there's a patch of forest and beyond that sea. To your left is a coast with the same sea. Anyways, when that was said a single blue circle lit up just above the treeline across the street. We all fell quiet, and just watched this thing hang there in complete silence. I didn't have a smartphone but when the initial shock calmed down I realized I should take a picture and reached for my phone. I tried my code a couple of times without taking my eyes of this thing, and when I noticed it lit up this thing took off and flew above us so fast it left a light-tracer on the sky, and disappeared beyond the horizon behind me without making a single sound in less than a second. It was there, then I saw a flash, then it was gone. If noone else had reacted I'd suspected a micro psychosis, but we all saw it.
I know it's late, but I just found out about you and I want to get my witness out somehow. Because I haven't been able to stop thinking about it ever since. It was me, my dad, and 5 teachers who saw it. I was 20 at the time.
The time is a bit hazy I'll admit, but when you see something so unbelievable time sort of stops meaning something. You get caught up in it. I didn't believe in UFOs before this what so ever, and the event shattered my 20 year old reality at the time. I'm 35 today and I still can't stop thinking about it.
Posted 2023-05-19
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