NUFORC UFO Sighting 175338
Occurred: 2016-09-26 17:25 LocalReported: 2023-04-14 21:47 Pacific
Duration: 1-5 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Florissant, CO, USA
Location details: Residential area seen @sunset skyline over the opposite side of highway
Shape: Diamond
Characteristics: Left a trail
UFO object ablaze on fire….diamond shaped until it came to a complete stop, Waites on fire, shot off fast left fire hanging in the sky.
Beginning of my day started at about 2-3pm in the afternoon of Sept. 26th, 2016. I had left my apartment on E. Girard Ave, Denver, CO for one of my first paranormal hunting trips ever just for fun from being a witness of a prior sighting when I was young and about 7-Years old. I had already had a sighting of two huge Red Eyes nearly as big as grapefruits inside my home and some MiB’s had also visited me at my school and seemed unfriendly even threatening me as a kid even though they had shown up a year or so after the red eyes had appeared inside my home in Chicago, IL where I’m originally from. That sighting from when I was 7-years old led my interest up to this days trip and made me decide to venture into the colorado mountains further, in hopes of having fun but not expecting to see anything. So I had driven for at least 2 hours eventually coming upon County Rd 42., & The 421; nearing Quartz Rd, having seen it on the North side of “Highway 24” (thru Florissant, CO; exited south from heading West on 24) so, the North side of highway 24 in other words was the mountain line, and the south side of ‘24’ where I exited which is the small residential area I had taken a cruise through to turn around was actually where I end up sitting & smoking & seeing it. However, I had gone all day without smoking any Cannabis. I had decided to stop for a end of the day smoke because the sun was going down; and it made me want to smoke a joint and watch the sunset because it was a beautiful day & it was still nice out for the end of Sept. so I did. Now, here’s where the sighting begins, I sat in my car smoking that joint. It was curiously quiet no neighbors, or cars driving down the streets, just myself watching the sunset. I had proceeded to smoke the majority of the joint. It had burned through 2/3rds of it that I had presently smoked, when the cherry of the joint (the tip on fire) went out. I knew I needed to re-light it if I was obviously going to continue smoking. I had sat there for a minute not really stoned but thinking I should either light up or roll another joint again and try to finish the little 1/3rd remaining joint additionally as well that had went out. I didn’t make up my mind at the time to light it back up on fire or; whether or not I should just roll another new joint. I only had kept thinking about it in the immediate present 30-seconds that the joint had gone out of being on fire. Then, I began day-dreaming and ‘watched the sunsetting in the west and also watched the mountains skyline from the south side of ‘highway 24’s’ residential neighborhood. So, I was watching the West’s sunset, & at the same time back & forth the north and northeast view of the mountain line as well as simultaneously looking to the sunset in the West. At that point, I was thinking maybe I should just roll another joint but was confused and discontent of the day & my overall happiness of the day and I did NOT know what I felt like doing at all! In other words, couldn’t make up my mind. So I just sat there watching the sunset. Now, sitting on the south side of ‘highway 24’ in the residential neighborhoods viewing the mountain which is on the opposite side of the highway’s southern residential neighborhoods area; so looking north of the ‘highway 24’ That of where I had been looking North/Northeast was where the black diamond looking UFO on fire was seen approximately. The black diamond looking object was on fire and within a second of seeing it was automatically looking like a UFO because of when it started to slow down abruptly in the line of travel it was on and stopped looking like a diamond and it came to a stop on the path it was on and then eventually as it stopped becoming a normal black oval shape; and was blazing on fire this whole time. The first thing that jogged in memory was OMG that that this UFO was telling me from the thoughts I had about lighting up the joint again because it went out of being lit on fire, that this UFO & possibly aliens had been telling me with the use of the ship that they had wanted me to light up the joint again!! I was in complete shock as the diamond UFO shape took normal oval form as it slowed down, stopped, waited for me to recognize it stopping and waiting for one reason most probably being thinking to light the joint back on fire as it knew I was watching the UFO on fire for more then one reason, and the ship being on fire all of a sudden got me into a mentality of shock & disbelief. My mouth dropped open and I couldn’t believe this UFO had just came out of no where ON FIRE, & was implying to re-lite the joint back on fire. After 10-15 seconds the UFO stopped on the trail of trajectory path it was on and sat stopped at the center point of the trail that its trajectory path was on. The fire and flames ablazing, glowing, orangish yellowish and the fire itself slightly a darker orange glow; Though mostly orangish and yellowish fire; it was also blended with a small amount of darker orange. It was vibrantly breathing like a house or something on fire where air causes the fires movement to breathe. Even before the ship came to a stop on fire, the fire had been trailing behind in the ships air trail of movement leaving a healthy air breathable looking fire movement to the flames themselves, which stopped and blazed more upward in the air after the ship came to a compete stop from movement. And after sitting there for that 15 seconds or so shot off extremely fast blurring and even shooting off so fast that fire came off of the top side of the UFO and had clung into the blue of the sky; really telling me to light that joint back up!! As the fire sat there in the sky, it slowly disintegrating & the UFO sped off blurred and disappeared towards the sunset. All of a sudden I believed that this UFO, aliens & etc. had told me to light that joint back on fire. After everything had happened I was in total shock. And I eventually drove home and couldn’t even believe it. I am not just telling the world about my sightings (2) (Red eyes from Chicago, IL additionally) and I feel after the two huge red eyes in my home and a Pair of MiB’s meeting me in grade school, that things have real meaning here in my life down to this very Cannabis UFO encounter., beyond even the story of my sightings being that of Told but that of all the evidence and interests of the paranormal being actually hidden in truth right here in more depth of my personal own two sightings.

Posted 2023-05-19
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