NUFORC UFO Sighting 175336
Occurred: 2022-09-02 02:04 LocalReported: 2023-04-14 23:28 Pacific
Duration: Not sure
No of observers: 3
Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Lights on object, Possible abduction
Abducted from and returned to apartment. Few hours later, orbs in sky, observed, filmed by roomates.
Morning of 9/2. While chatting with friend on social network, I felt pinch on back right tricep, like pinch from metal tong. Unexplainable. Had weird dream I was kid again, 30 years ago in my room and woke up from nightmare of being old and mother dead. Was so real. Went back to sleep...woke up on rubber mat, surrounded by sleeping people. There were strange thoughts in my head, like I was listening to a community broadcast. And I saw images and heard words: "human suits", "boob bags". One more person may have ben awake, like me. Something crawled on top of me. It was large, heavy and metallic. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. It made grunting noises like a man. But felt like a giant bug. I don't like thinking about it and I've forgotten much of the experience. It vibrated over my private parts and probed me with prods that shocked. It probed my spine, neck and then left side of temple. It was very painful, and reminded me of getting a nerve poked by dentist. I was too afraid to move, but finally the pain was to much so I tried to jump to my feet. I was in the apartment I was staying at. My roommate came running out the room, asking what happened. I told him. He said it was just dream and to go back to sleep. I was too afraid. I could not believe that thing wasn't in apartment. I looked all over for it. I texted sister immediately and texted everything. I had never had a dream like that…it was too real. I didn't know what to think. I fell asleep as sun rose. Very soon my roommate woke me up and told me to come out side. There were 3 silver orbs in sky over apartment roof top, in a triangle formation. They looked like stars in the day time. Several people were out in parking lot filming. These orbs were seen by many people that night/day: Google "Round Rock UFOs". A lot of weird stuff happened before and after. It’s a long story. All my friends and family think I'm mentally ill and don't want me to talk about it any more. There is more to the story. But I don't feel comfortable talking about it. On one hand I want answers…on the other hand, I don't know if I can experience something like that again and be sane afterwards. It was very unsettling.
Posted 2023-05-19
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