NUFORC UFO Sighting 175330

Occurred: 2023-04-15 12:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-04-15 13:43 Pacific
Duration: Approximately 1 minute
No of observers: 1

Location: Newport News, VA, USA
Location details: 1312 Hampton Drive

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Animals reacted

Dog sensed it/barked into the sky. Grey sphere. 3-4 miles high. Zig zagged and paused between movement. Met with 2nd and took off.

I am submitting this report to document my observation of an unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) in the vicinity of Langley Air Force Base. I was sitting in the front yard of my residence, accompanied by my dog, when the sighting occurred. My dog growled and barked at something in the sky, and her unusual reaction to the UAP prompted me to investigate and document the occurrence.

Description of the UAP
After I discovered what my dog was reacting to, I observed the UAP at an estimated altitude of 3-4 miles, and it exhibited a grayish, spherical appearance. Its flight patterns are characterized as sporadic, rapid zig-zag movements without any signs of gradual acceleration. Instead, the object displayed instantaneous changes in motion. Between movements, the UAP paused momentarily, distinctly stopping in mid-air before altering its trajectory, an action inconsistent with the known capabilities of conventional aircraft.

Analysis of Possible Explanations
In an attempt to rationalize the observed phenomenon, I considered various explanations, such as insects or birds. However, the object's considerable altitude and atypical behavior quickly ruled out such possibilities. I also considered the possibility of the UAP being a weather balloon. However, upon observing the object meeting with a second, seemingly identical sphere and traveling together in unison, I determined that this explanation was unlikely. Moreover, the coordinated and intelligent behavior exhibited by the two objects further led me to rule out the weather balloon possibility.

Interaction with a Second UAP
Approximately 45 seconds to a minute after the initial sighting, the UAP traveled very fast to my left field of view, where it encountered a second, seemingly identical grayish sphere at a similar altitude. The two objects paused briefly in unison before rapidly traveling together and disappearing instantaneously from sight, heading southwest from my location in the direction of Suffolk, Virginia.

Significance of My Dog's Reaction
My dog, typically unresponsive to common aerial occurrences such as birds, planes, and insects, displayed a heightened awareness and reaction to the UAP by growling and barking. This behavior suggests the presence of an unusual or unfamiliar stimulus, adding an intriguing dimension to the experience.

Relevance to National Security and Aerospace Research
Given the proximity of the sighting to Langley Air Force Base, I felt compelled to report the incident due to its potential implications for national security and aerospace research. I am a PhD student for Psychology and a Navy submarine veteran, and my background and training lend credibility to this account, underscoring the importance of documenting and analyzing this UAP sighting.

Posted 2023-05-19

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