NUFORC UFO Sighting 175319
Occurred: 2013-06-01 20:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2023-04-16 15:30 Pacific
Duration: 1.5 - 2.0 minutes
No of observers: 2 - Military
Location: Corona, CA, USA
Location details: S/B 15 Fwy, and the off ramp for Cerrito Rd.
Shape: Cigar
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Color, Missing Time
While preparing to, and exiting the freeway the craft followed the driver's side of the car at a distance of 10-12 feet.
I was returning from the store and driving south on the 15 Fwy. I moved into the right lane to exit the freeway. approx 1/4 mile from the exit I looked behind and ahead and noticed no traffic visible on the freeway. I then looked to my left, and observed a cigar shaped object traveling adjacent to my vehicle at approximately 10-12 feet. I immediately told my adult son who was sitting in the right front passenger seat.
I exited the freeway, slowing as I did so as did the object. The exit lane is approximately 300 yards long and splits into three lanes at the termination where it meets with Cerrito Road. I had moved to the right in preparation of turning right at the light. As I approached the intersection, I prepared to stop for the red light. At the intersection I stopped, and the craft remained motionless for approximately 2 seconds.
While stopped, there was no other vehicular traffic in the area. While watching the vehicle, it moved forward slightly, pitched nose up while moving and rapidly accelerated up and out of view in approximately 2 seconds. It made no noise as it accelerated.
I was in the USMC for 8 years, stationed at several air bases and familiar with the acceleration capabilities of multiple fighter aircraft. This accelerated like no object I have seen in my military career. It traveled from my location, to the South Corona hills, in that short time span.
After the craft disappeared, my son said, "That is the freakiest thing I have ever seen." I asked him what he saw, and he described the exact same experience that I stated above. It felt very surreal to both of us and we were both in a kind of shock. My drive home from the S/B 15 - El Cerrito Road exit is approximately two miles. During the drive, I racall again see absolutely no vehicular traffic, which was strange for that time of night.
I have not shared this experience with anyone outside of my immediate family, (wife and sons) but felt it was necessary and important to come forward now in light of recent incidents in the news.
I am a retired Police officer after serving 28 years in CA. I have had a few other incidents with UAP's in my life/career, but noting that was even remotely similar to this incident.
I would describe the craft as the approximate same length as my Toyota Land Cruiser that I was driving, 15-16 feet. It was about the width and circumference of a small car and traveled approximately 4 feet off the ground. It did appear to change elevation while traveling next to me but only by a foot or so. The bottom half was a dark metallic surface and the top had multi colored light that appeared to be emanating from inside and not external. There was no visible opening and/or windows. There was no visible controlling surfaces such as elevators or ailerons, and no visible landing gear. Also, no symbols or visible marking.
If you should have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me. I do not have any photographic evidence of the craft. When I returned home, my wife asked what took so long for the short trip to the store as we only had to purchase a few items. I do not recall how long she stated we were gone but for us it did not seem that way. I cannot recall where we went or what we did prior to this incident. My memory start while driving on the S/B 15 freeway.
Posted 2023-05-19
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