NUFORC UFO Sighting 175311

Occurred: 2023-04-15 00:18 Local
Reported: 2023-04-17 06:09 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds roughly
No of observers: 1

Location: Greenwood, NS, Canada
Location details: around CFB Greenwood military base

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby, Missing Time, Marks found on body afterwards

A somewhat softly triangular shaped light, the color of an old streetlight (yellowish-orange)

I was on a walk home when I looked into the sky as I normally would when outdoor and especially on a walk. I noticed what I thought was a bright star before realizing there was overcast. Within seconds of me watching it, I seen it go East with the speed of a shooting star. Within seconds of the object moving away from my location, I heard but did not see a gentle roar, as if it were a Jet or being followed by a Jet. There were no lights though and I have never seen or heard any sort of aircraft move this fast. I am unsure if the initial object made this noise as it took off or if something else was on its trail that I just couldn't see. It was only a matter of 15 seconds or so before this "light object" was out of sight. I have told a few people that I trust very much but or course I just sound crazy. Without a doubt, I seen something unexplained.
After being home and speaking to some friends/family about it. I did experience a black out/fainted which I've never had happen before. This could be purely coincidence, however, I now have a bruised spine and brised ear/jaw from the fall. (I am only adding these details because of the questions following this statement)

Posted 2023-05-19

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