NUFORC UFO Sighting 175277

Occurred: 2023-04-09 22:30 Local
Reported: 2023-04-10 01:46 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Morrisville, PA, USA
Location details: Private Neighborhood

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Changed Color, Electrical or magnetic effects, Animals reacted

While looking out a window of the house a ball of orange light appeared in the trees past a neighbor’s house.

My background I am in customer support, and a musician. I want to start this off by saying I’ve been trying to actively make contact for a while now using meditation and CE-5-like cognitive thought sequencing techniques. I tried something similar at 8:00 - 8:45 pm tonight while on a night walk and sitting in my backyard looking for any anomalies. I did see two very high, distant white lights that traveled off, one of them flaring, but it was impossible to know if they were anything significant or just space trash or something.

At 10:30 pm I was standing in my dark bathroom brushing my teeth and I happened to look out the window. In the trees past my neighbor’s house an orange light suddenly appeared and flared. It blinked at me. I called my partner in saying “I think it’s a UFO.” He took one look at it and had the usual instinctual fear reaction he has when he sees something unusual and he left the room. It continued to blink at me, then disappeared.

For a moment nothing happened, and I opened the window so I could listen for any sounds or anything unusual. Then it returned again and disappeared again after about a minute of being there.

Out loud, I very quietly said, “Do you mind if I film you, is that okay?” And I pulled out my cellphone camera and aimed at the spot in question.

The included video was the third time it appeared and flared. The video quality is not the best but I kept steady and just filmed it quietly until it disappeared from sight.

After putting away my phone, I then witnessed something that looked like a long shape or a cigar shape or perhaps the rounded edge of something larger with a row of orange lights like tiny glowing windows move off into the trees, from the same distance as the initial orange ball of light but closer towards my property. I felt instinctively if I tried to film it, it would disappear, so I did not pull back out my camera this time. I think I can try and recreate the events in future, and maybe then I can film something more obvious than just a ball of light.

Right after the orange window object vanished beyond the tree line, my neighbors lights started to flicker like their power was effected. Only their house seemed to be effected as far as I could tell; no other streetlights or my house or anything was effected. But it was right in front of me so I could see it happen.

In the past few weeks as well when I go out for night walks I’ve noticed the neighborhood dogs tend to bark a lot at nothing - not near me as I’m walking by but in the distance I hear them almost systematically start barking from one house to another down the block beginning in the next street over to mine. I don’t know what’s setting them all off. As far as neighborhood reports have it, there have been no strange people spotted or any break ins or anything. There were weird “drones” in the area here and in Buckingham very recently though, a swarm of strange drones.

I’d like to add I am a lifelong Experiencer and have seen more things in the sky recently than in my first thirty years of life. I don’t know what it means, but it’s certainly intriguing. Orange balls of light seem to be the most common one that I keep experiencing.

If an investigator wants to contact me about this experience or any of my others, they can.

The included map includes the approximate direction where I saw the ball of light (I could not tell how close it actually was, as it appeared in the trees) and the dotted line is the approximate path the windowed object took, which was at helicopter height but not like any helicopter I’ve observed - nor was anything active on my flight radar at the time.

Posted 2023-05-19

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