NUFORC UFO Sighting 175271
Occurred: 2023-04-06 22:54 LocalReported: 2023-04-08 21:48 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes and 39 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Lakemore, OH, USA
Location details: In my driveway at my home.
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object
Something in circular or conical shape giving of a blinking light while attempting to be unseen or cloaked by a cloud.
I went outside at approximately 10:50 pm to smoke a cigarette and just look into the sky as I normally do every night. I like to watch for satellite passings and look at constellations. The moon was out and it was pretty bright. All of a sudden I noticed a very bright white cloud moving from right to left in the sky. I’d say the object was at least a thousand to two thousand feet high. It was slowly floating like a normal cloud would but it was emitting a very bright blinking light. As I focused in more on the anomaly I could definitely make out a entirely separate circle shaped object inside or behind the cloud that was not part of the cloud. It almost looked like one of the surveillance balloons that were recently shot down by our military except it was emitting a bright blinking light. I immediately grabbed my phone from my jacket pocket and was able to capture the anomaly in a 2 minute and 39 second video that clearly shows what I’m describing. It’s hard to gauge the size of the object but if I were to try I would have to say that it was at least as big as a public transit bus. I’m sorry I do not want to take anything away from the full video that I have by clipping it. I did download five pictures of the anomaly, however the video file is too large in it’s entirety.

Posted 2023-05-19
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