NUFORC UFO Sighting 175254
Occurred: 2023-02-28 19:58 LocalReported: 2023-04-07 12:03 Pacific
Duration: 1 Hour
No of observers: 1000
Location: Zephyrhills, FL, USA
Location details: North of SR54, West of 301. Facing West to Tampa
Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Electrical or magnetic effects
Two Bright White Glowing UAP's Hover over Florida 24hrs After Rocket Launch.
February 28th 6ish
Leebos UAP.
Location: Zephyrhills Florida, 33541
Just West of 301 and just north of State Rd54.
Looking to Tampa
UAP sighting. The video appears to show two orbs however upon further inspection it looks as if one orb was reflecting off of the object that was invisible to the naked eye. The spherical White balls of light seem to rotate at a controlled rate. You cannot physically see the object rotating but as the light changes shape you can tell that it is circling around the light creating some sort of rotating glow.
If you inspect the video closely, the rotating ball of light seems to be mirrored on an object hovering above. Almost as if the guiding ball of light was assisting another vehicle in the reflection was being cast off of this invisible mirror-like vehicle. According to other Witnesses in other parts of the state, they could only see one ball of light which leads us to believe that from the location where this video was taken, the visual viewer was looking at the side of this object from the south of the object you would see one ball of light no glare from the east side of the object you would see two balls of light the bright one on the bottom and it's glaring up above 50 to 100 ft based off of video observation which obviously is hard to tell whether 50 ft is 1 mi or 500 yds.
Whatever it was it was not a star it was not a planet it was not man-made. It wasn't an anomaly a ball of energy. It was in fact a UAP.
The media claims it was a rocket launched from the night before or it was a Jet and Tanker refueling, however…
It was not a Jet/Tanker refueling and the rocket was launched 24hrs the night before almost exactly. The stage one booster was recovered 21mins after launch.

Posted 2023-05-19
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