NUFORC UFO Sighting 175251
Occurred: 1985-06-13 23:15 Local - ApproximateReported: 2023-04-07 01:57 Pacific
Duration: 10-15 minutes
Location: Plainview, NE, USA
Location details: Farm house about 10 miles south of Plainview near a old gravel pit
Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Aircraft nearby
Blueish white orb seems to be checking out our farm place.
My roommate and I were watching TV contemplating sleep suddenly we noticed lights behind the house. The driveway goes right by the west side of the house and to the barn. There is a path that circles around through the trees where old equipment is parked and is over grown, but we could drive through if needed. It looked like someone was trying to do so. We were wondering who of our friends is screwing around and how did they get by the house without us noticing.
We were going out to meet them as they come back passed the house.
I must describe the typography there's a crick close by , we have the house the driveway and a row of cotton wood trees with a couple of small storage sheds and a feul tank scattered between the trees then the crick and open pasteur.
The distance from the house to the crick is less than a city block.
Now before we get to the corner of the house, the very bright blueish white orb comes into site. It looks like it was just on the other side of the crick,casting freaky tree shadows moving across the yard and drive as it passed by, it moved steadily maybe 35 mph. It sped up after passing and we watched till we couldn't see it.
We stood scratching our heads, what the hell was that, I don't remember it making any sound at all..we get back in the house for a little bit when we here a jet,we run back out to see some sort of fighter jet loud and hulling ass on the same path as the orb..
Posted 2023-05-19
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