NUFORC UFO Sighting 175000
Occurred: 1990-07-20 22:05 Local - ApproximateReported: 2023-03-14 15:26 Pacific
Duration: 1 1/2 hrs or more
No of observers: 2
Location: Anza Borrego state park highway 78, CA, USA
Location details: Highway 78 Pole line Rd.
Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Electrical or magnetic effects
3 small orange red balls - one large cloud purple , bluish , yellow color with large object like ship
Coming back from Westmoland , from our friends with our 2 children, we pick up hay for his father who owns Sandoval hay company, this time we were in our car . My eye caught a small orange ball in the sky , we just passed the flamingo hotel they built in the desert for the movie Bugsy . We get to the stop sign I got out of the car and noticed instead of the one I saw there was 2 more which was three I told mike look there is three , he would not get out of the car then from no wind just hot desert anyway air , a wind came then these like strobe spears above use the 3 balls were move above use but like in the same sport but going from side to side up and down but like they were still in the same spot , then this cloud no other cloud around just this one it looked like a thunder storm was in this one cloud came above use very scary because it was big you coul see there was definitely something in it but I could not make out any shape , with the wind the strobes and the cloud I got scared I got back in the car , we took off but what was really scary the 3 orange balls were following us level with the car , now we are at oak grove there there are tree and they were still like beside use they were just flying right though all these trees missing them all , once we got to sunshine summit they had a true value store which was closed he pulled over this time he was going to get out to check it out himself told me to stay with the boys which were crying now so he got out one of the orange balls was right a cross the road even with us like same height just like still in one spot but doing this weird zig zag motion so weird so he start to go towards it , it never left it just kept zig zigzagging in one spot he got scared came back to the car he said we need to leave that he felt weird walking towards it so we had to leave so we tried to start the car and for about 2 minutes it wouldn’t turn over the the car started the ball still was in the same spot the other two in the sky we started driving we got the the easy to Temecula they followed us all the way there he thought they left but the didn’t once we got home which was Murrieta he got the boys to bed he didn’t want to talk about and went to bed , but we live in a canyon on 5 acres with a creek down below I went outside again and those ball were still there I tried to get mike to come outside but he didn’t want to come all of a sudden they went towards the creek water I went to the pool room with my binoculars I could see movement for about 15 more minutes after that nothing , that was our experience back then , till this day once in awhile I see those orange balls not all three but if you do catch one it always will do that zigzag movement crazy the most scariest part for me was that big cloud that look like a fender storm that thing that was in the middle of it and then the wind and strobes over my head that was crazy thank you for listening to my experience . It took years for mike to even tell people he would never talk about it , he told me I would look like a idiot if I said anything back then that’s the way he felt so we never really said anything but now we are not afraid .
Posted 2023-04-09
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