NUFORC Sighting 174984

Occurred: 2023-02-23 00:25 Local
Reported: 2023-03-12 15:43 Pacific
Duration: 5-7 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Elgin, TX, USA

Shape: Light
Explanation: Aircraft - Possible
Characteristics: Lights on object

Light in the sky that I thought was a star at first but knew it was out of place.

I was sitting up in bed at 12:25am on February 23rd, 2023. The room was dark but I was playing a word game on my phone on “night mode”. I can see out one of the bathroom windows from where I was sitting. I later used a compass and it was in the direction of 51°, 30°13'47" N 97°27'30" W. We live in the country and the skies are dark.

I could see what I thought was an unusually bright white star hanging in the sky. I looked up from my game a couple times just to see if it was maybe a helicopter (they had been in the area during the day to repair high power electrical lines). I remember thinking that was odd and I wondered if this was a plane or helicopter, then why were there no flashing lights? Still sitting in bed, I watched it to see if it moved. It seemed to move ever so slightly toward the NW. Realizing this was “different” (we’ve lived on the property for almost 40 years, and I’ve looked out this window in this same position in bed for over 20 years) I got up and grabbed my glasses and phone. I went into the bathroom and the automatic nightlight came on making it harder to see out of the window. I waited for about 30 seconds for the nightlight to go off and I could see the light was still hanging in the air. With my glasses on I could make out a round light. At least the impression it gave was like it had roundness to it which made me think at the time there was more than one light coming from it. I could not see any clear details - just a light that seemed quite a distance away but not higher than plane. I held my phone up to video the light through the window but the movement caused the nightlight to turn on again causing a reflection too bright to video through.

About the same time the nightlight came back on, the light began moving straight ahead at a moderate speed to the NW. I watched it for a few seconds before our house roofline obstructed my view. The bathroom window was open but our central AC unit was running making it impossible to hear any other sounds.

Within about 30 seconds of the light moving out of sight, I went out our front door which faces to the NW but I could not see the light nor did I hear anything now that I was away from the AC unit.

I immediately made notes on my phone calendar to remember the date and time. (I tried to submit this earlier today but it didn't appear to go through.)

You can contact me through my email if needed. Thanks.

Posted 2023-04-09

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