NUFORC Sighting 174970

Occurred: 2022-07-20 20:25 Local
Reported: 2023-03-11 10:11 Pacific
Duration: 1 - 1 1/2 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: New Castle, PA, USA
Location details: Heading south/west on Atlantic Avenue

Shape: Other

Bright white/silver tic-tac object in sky travelling West at high rate of speed.d. noticed li

On my way home after grocery shopping I was travelling south on Atlantic Avenue. After coming around a bend and passing Sunny Avenue on my right, I saw a large bright white/silver tic-tac shaped object in the sky travelling West. The object caught my eye as soon as I came around the bend. It was large and extremely bright against the blue sky. It was not a cloud. I was able to snap two photographs as I stopped at a red light at the corner of Atlantic and Wilder. I rolled down my window to make sure it was not a glare on the glass. It was not a glare. There was no sound. Lost sight of object once I entered area where houses were closer together and the view of the sky was obstructed. The object looks very small in the photographs but was much larger to the naked eye. It can be seen in each photo below the power lines towards the center and towards the right of center respectively.

Posted 2023-04-09

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