NUFORC UFO Sighting 174384

Occurred: 2023-02-10 07:10 Local
Reported: 2023-02-10 11:22 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes maybe
No of observers: 1

Location: Alexandria, VA, USA
Location details: Was outside of an apartment complex in Alexandria, Virginia just outside of DC

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

Saw two flying objects flying in circles and erratic movements then they disappeared.

I was talking my daughter to the bus stop this morning and we were looking up at the moon. I saw two white oval like objects up in the sky. I said „I wonder what those are“ and my daughter replied „They’re probably just planes.“ They looked way too high up to be a plane. When we first spotted them they were flying close together and then they began moving in various directions. One moved in a circle like motion the other more erratically and covered more distance very quickly. I was able to snap one photo and when I looked up to take another one they both had disappeared. Shortly after they disappeared I saw a plane fly over and it confirmed the previous two objects were much too high to have been planes.

Posted 2023-03-06

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