NUFORC UFO Sighting 174365
Occurred: 2023-02-09 03:45 LocalReported: 2023-02-09 06:34 Pacific
Duration: About an hour
No of observers: 15 - Pilot
Location: Montgomery, AL, USA
Location details: We were flying from DFW to MCO when we heard other pilots talking about possible ufo sightings.
Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Lights on object
We saw at least 10 bright starlight looking objects that flew fast and in various directions. Multiple other pilots on guard saw them.
We were flying from DFW to MCO when we heard chatter on guard about some flying objects circling in the east. They said to look about 30 degrees up on the windshield and to the east. We did and we immediately spotted them. They flew fast and flew multiple directions. They would come close to each other then split off in various positions. They looked the size and color of a satellite yet they flew very odd patterns.
Posted 2023-03-06
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