NUFORC UFO Sighting 173853

Occurred: 2018-04-22 18:36 Local
Reported: 2023-01-11 10:34 Pacific
Duration: unknown
No of observers: 1

Location: Chiaverano, Piedmont, Italy

Shape: Egg
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

One friend of mine, taking pictures of her daughter, later realized that in the pictures there was a strange ball.

One friend of mine report me that one day she was taking photos of her daughter with her mobile. She lives in Chiaverano (Turin, Italy) and she took the photos right in front of her house. She was using an Iphone SE and the application that she was using was Live Photos. At that moment, she didn't hear any sound and didn't see nothing in the sky. Later on, she reviewed those pictures. Because she was using the Iphone Live Photos, the three pictures that were made were actually a short mini-video. Watching it, she realized that there was a sort of ball moving in the sky at that moment, that was caught on camera. She showed me the pictures and allowed me to make this report to you. I did not touch the pictures in any way: the only thing that I've done is to cover the face of her daughter to protect her identity. Since I don't have the Iphone Live Photos app, I could only collect the file as three consecutive pictures (and not as a mini-video, which is the way one can better appreciate it on an Iphone).
We decide to make the report because, considering the speed with which Live Photos shoots, we were buffled by the incredible speed that this ball had: in a matter of instants looks like moving from above the house to the woods in the background. So, we decide to report to you (as in Italy I'm not aware of any serious recipient to which I could report this). I'm at disposal for further questions.

Posted 2023-03-06

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