NUFORC Sighting 173612

Occurred: 2022-10-18 06:40 Local
Reported: 2022-12-28 12:28 Pacific
Duration: at least 7 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Sicklerville, NJ, USA
Location details: Observed facing southernly in my neighborhood

Shape: Sphere

Bright white round object hovering low in the sky at a distance

I was taking an early morning walk in my neighborhood and at 6:40 I noticed a bright, white, round object in the sky. I believe I saw it facing in a south/southwest direction. I thought it could be a plane or star at first, although larger than normal. I continued my walk and when I approached the court with the clearest view, I realized it was stationary. There were no blinking lights, no other colors, no rays. In 2 years of walking around the neighborhood, I have never seen this before. I had a clear view of this in the court for several minutes and continued my walk. When I looked back after leaving the court I did not see it anymore, but my view could have been obstructed by trees and houses at that point. I did find this event unnerving. I did not see the object when I did another early morning walk 3 days later on the same route and around the same time. I tried to find out if Venus would have been visible at that time, but could not ascertain that.

Posted 2023-03-06

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