NUFORC UFO Sighting 173600
Occurred: 2022-12-27 18:45 LocalReported: 2022-12-27 19:12 Pacific
Duration: Five Minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Morrisville, PA, USA
Location details: Suburban house/area near the Delaware River and canal
Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Lights on object
Two crafts acting in odd manner in sky
Sighting: Bucks County, Pennsylvania, approximately 6:45 PM, December 27, 2022.
Our backgrounds: I am in customer service now but a former musician who doesn’t do much with my art anymore. My partner is a former gifted athlete who was injured in a game and currently works retail. Both of us have experienced paranormal events before - both my partner’s mother and I have an affinity for the possibility of non-human life in the universe - and after years of not seeing anything, this is my second UAP sighting in a week but this one is way more intense than the last. The first was just an orange orb that passed by.
The sighting:
After work, my partner was outside my house smoking on the front walkway and poked his head in. He asked what planets we could see from the house, and I told him, and he asked: “are any of them bright green?”
Dumbfounded, I went outside and looked up where he indicated, in the western (I think western) sky behind my house, towards the Trenton skyline.
Whatever he had seen was gone and he was uncomfortable and uneasy and said, “it was right there.” It was a cloudy night with patches of clear sky. The clouds were moving pretty quickly, and revealed a big green star in the sky. Except it moved.
I said: “I don’t think that’s a star”. A minute later it jumped altitude - I don’t know how high, I know nothing about altitudes aside from typical meteorological cloud heights (I used to study meteorology as a child) - but one minute it was in one spot in the sky and the next it was way higher and smaller. I got excited and tapped him on the shoulder to look, but it blinked out of sight.
I scanned the sky to see if it would come back. Out front of the house, to the southeast, more clouds cleared and I watched a big blue/whitish light moving at plane height. “I think that’s a plane,” I said to him. Almost as soon as I said that, it stopped dead, changed shape slightly from a ball-like/light shape to something elongated and almost cigar shaped, back into a circle shape, and began to fly in a circle, vertically. I hope that makes sense - I mean in a circle vertically/counterclockwise I could see looking at it dead on not in a round/searching circle horizontally like a helicopter.
Clouds covered it. I scanned the sky again - it appeared in the first location I’d seen it but further away, and traveled almost an identical path. It stopped dead again and hovered, reversed, then flew in a zig zag pattern.
The cloud cover grew too thick and though I stayed out a little longer I didn’t see anything else. I was excited and whispering like “Hi! Come back!” very excitedly because I’d never seen anything like it before, and behind me my boyfriend was becoming more and more frightened/agitated and he actually dragged me back into the house.
When we came back inside my boyfriend immediately threw up in the bathroom. My heart was beating like I’d just ran a marathon and I was elated. But within an hour I developed a terrible headache that I still have two hours after seeing the object. It has not gone away and I still feel a little nauseous.
Before anyone asks, yes I’ve checked my carbon monoxide levels - we have new batteries in the detector and I tested it a week ago so it’s still working. We did not consume any hallucinogens, and he was smoking a non nicotine (non THC!) cigarette. (He’s trying to quit). I had no alcohol, had just drank water actually, and we had not eaten any of the same things that day yet - I work from home, he works outside of the home, and I hadn’t finished making dinner when this occurred.
Posted 2023-03-06
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