NUFORC UFO Sighting 173597
Occurred: 2005-04-09 14:05 LocalReported: 2022-12-27 10:58 Pacific
Duration: Turnpike street
No of observers: 4
Location: Stoughton, MA, USA
Location details: Turning Left onto turnpike st in stoughton coming in from Randolph
Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects
One orb into three orbs
I was with a friend getting a ride. We was leaving out of Randolph into stoughton (back roads) and came to turnpike Street at an intersection, we then took a left onto turnpike st, immediately after taking that left. I notice what appeared to be a flashlight in the sky very circular shaped moving as fast as they car as I look up out the window I can see it maybe 2 to 3 inches a head of us through the front window of the her car. I then turned to her and was like where is that light reflecting from, I ask her if she can see anything on her side of the window. She thought Mayne it's the stadium an they do have one in Brockton so I could have been but I still didn't see where or how it was up there, after watching this for about 2 to 3mins, the one circular became two and then 3 circular shapes now they are moving in a circular position forwardly. (not sure if that's a word) I looked again at my friend and was like do you see that now it's three shapes distant from each other but in a triangular shape forwardly moving in a circular position. We was both amazed at what we are seeing. I look around as there was cars around us so I looked back and I could see a young girl and an older woman driving behind us and the young girl is doing exactly what I'm doing pointing up looking out their front car window an the older woman looking up amazed. I have no video this is just all memory I wish I did record it because this really happened.
Posted 2023-03-06
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