NUFORC UFO Sighting 17351
Occurred: 2001-03-24 23:30 Local - ApproximateReported: 2001-04-21 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 30-60secs
No of observers: 1
Location: Dunedin (New Zealand), , New Zealand
Shape: Flash
Characteristics: Lights on object
Flashes of white light the size of a bright star in the New Zealand night sky.
It was a clear night with many stars out, I was only outside to have a smoke before I went to bed. As there aint alot to look at in my back yard I started to look up at the stars and to find constellations like the Southern cross etc. As I was looking in a ssw direction at approx 45degrees I noticed a flash 10-15degrees below where I was looking. At first I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me since I noticed the flash in my peripheral vision, but as I looked at the spot where the flash occurred I saw another flash in around the same place. This second flash occurred maybe 15secs after the first and was the shape/size/colour of a bright star. Then as I was pondering what it was that I saw, I saw another flash exactly the same as the second and then another following 2-3secs after. Then as my mind started racing to explain this flashing I saw a smaller dimmer object the size/shape/colour of a faint star appear a thumbs width to the left of where the flashes ocurred moving diagonally down to the right at about a 30-35 dgree angle and then disappear just after it crossed the up/down 90degree angle line of where the flashes ocurred. The smaller, dimmer, moving object moved the distance of 1 and a 1/2-2 thumb widths alltogether and this took around the time it takes to say "one". I could not see any shape to these objects as they must have been too far away. After realizing what I'd seen was most definately a U.F.O. I became very excited and ran inside to get a flashlight to signal back as it seemed "they" might have been using morse code, but this was in vain as I did not see anything else unusual that night.
Posted 2001-04-28
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