NUFORC UFO Sighting 173257

Occurred: 2022-12-02 22:11 Local
Reported: 2022-12-02 22:53 Pacific
Duration: 10-20 minutes
No of observers: 5

Location: Irvine, CA, USA
Location details: Above Villa Sienna Apartments, directly above in the sky, across from the moon

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Left a trail, Emitted beams, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby

UFO shows off, maneuvering up, down, left, and right, in plain sight, as masses remain distracted unable to even look up

I could not believe my eyes when something grabbed my attention because I noticed the slowest, gradual movement of this orange light, that I had seen before and thought was a shooting star in the past, but was a ship showing itself to me, and before (last year it did too and I never reported it because it never really came across my mind as significant how it almost looked like a shooting star) but this time, I literally stopped and started yelling out in public heyy omg look its a UFO!! And pointed and pointed and grabbed a stranger and he began recording it and talking to his girlfriend on the phone I believe... It was INSANE it literally stood there and moved left and right and it left a trail of light behind every time it moved, in a super swift manner. This time it wasnt running away to hide, it literally showed off and I pointed and screamed and hardly anyone believed me, let alone looked up themself to at least check to see what I was pointing at, instead they said I must be on some drugs or something, and I doubted myself a bit, but as I continued to walk around (I went to the bank ATM across the street and came walking back) it made a significant movement in a series of lines up and down and left and right and visible made itself noticeable to me again and was not stationary and moving around to show itself to me as a craft. then this object literally made a CLOUD VANISH and disappear, so I could see it move and stand stationary extremely clearly!!! I came inside to write this report and called my father and called the hotline from and mentioned how it was not leaving and literally staying there and would move when I looked at it, and its finally gone or I cannot see it anymore because the clouds came rolling through again and blocking my view again unfortunately which tells me there is someone putting these clouds up (possibly the military) to prevent us from being contacted because they are trying harder than ever literally in plain sight to get our attention and then have this technology to blast away the clouds and vaporize them and make clouds vanish so we can see the craft extra clearly, but then a tremendous wave of cloud patches came rolling through... its really unfortunate the amount of gangstalking the military is involved in and constantly covering up and lying to us about this and not letting these benevolent beings contact us... they are our family literally and I believe someone something out there is preventing us from contacting each other which makes me upset and sad for sure, but I know huge things are coming and all political activities will be disrupted by a hostile alien invasion of earth soon, for aliens will be soon fighting a planetary war here on Earth to try and conquer it..

Posted 2022-12-22

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