NUFORC UFO Sighting 173249
Occurred: 2022-12-12 19:10 LocalReported: 2022-12-03 10:30 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Pagosa Springs, CO, USA
Location details: Hwy 160 and Talisman Dr
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object
Large, low-flying triangle with bright lights.
I was driving west leaving work. I was on highway 160 approaching Talisman drive.
I noticed very bright lights coming in a southeast direction. I Looked up to assume I would see an airplane. My thoughts were that craft is flying very low, that it would barely make it above the trees. And that it was so large it couldn't possibly land at our local airport. I also noted that it had no "wings" and no tail. There were about 6-8 white lights and one red on the craft's left side. And no detectable sound. It was very clear and distinct.
The craft was flying just above a local fast-food restaurant, and was larger than that building.
I stopped in my lane and watched it fly over my car. It disappeared when I looked in my rear-view mirror.
I have been looking in our town's newspaper for any reports of a large aircraft sighting. I have found none.
I am very curious and would like to hear your thoughts. I was in such awe I did not get a photo. I did however, look on Google and found a photo of what I recall seeing. Please understand this is a photo off Google and not my own. It shows exactly what I saw.
Posted 2022-12-22
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