NUFORC UFO Sighting 17267
Occurred: 2001-04-15 22:00 LocalReported: 2001-04-16 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 3 hours
No of observers: 6
Location: Mansfield, LA, USA
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby
Not a quick, here then gone event, lasted several hours and witnessed by 6 people
Crystal clear night, went to out to put dogs in kennel. Saw a multi-light figure in Northern sky. Lights seems to change colors end to end, with white lights in the center. Object bobbed horrizontily and vertically, more prominately horrizontily. Was generally stationary but would move a few degrees left or right. Called for wife and daughter. Daughter ran back in scared,(16 year old). Soon noticed a second object, same as the first maybe 30 degrees East of first. First object moved quickly East, then settled back to stationary. Scanned more and saw two more, much more distant and in upper sky than first two. One of them moved towards the other, then settled into stationary. They then would fade, then come back later to near the same position. Got neighbors across the street, one is a deputy sheriff and observed from their yard. Discovered two more, one on horrizon, one in directly overhead position. Overhead object looked massive, lights were constant white, but it bobbed like the rest. Western most object disappeared, but came back a short time later. An aircraft passed the overhead object, only a blind pilot would not have seen this. Sparse, very thin clouds moved in, objects were far above clouds. Was able to tell that the objects were massive in size, especially the directly overhead one by the clouds and stars. Could clearly see the movements by putting an object in line with a roofline or tree limb. All of the objects were to the North and West of me with the exception of the more overhead object. This is in the direction of the Shreveport metro area. I viewed for 3 hours and finally went to bed. I made repeated attempts to call ufo hotlines with no success. I wanted to call the sheriff's dept. but my wife protested. I did have a deputy as a witness, so just as well. I tried to film, but my camcorder wouldn't pick the light up. I will look again tonight. I have lived here for 20 years and have seen nothing like this in my life. My with kept saying weather balloons, etc. I told her repeatedly that weather balloons don't bob and weave and have multi colored lights. Incredible experience, glad several of us witnessed the event.
We have invited the witness to check the night sky on subsequent clear nights. However, please see report from Tennessee for the same time and date. PD
Posted 2001-04-28
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