NUFORC Sighting 172521

Occurred: 1971-08-04 20:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2022-10-18 15:23 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Lesterville, MO, USA
Location details: Unmarked forest road between Lesterville and Suttons Bluff Campground.

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

In pitch dark, bright light came out of rain clouds, hovered above trees, then abruptly turned; left horizontally.

When I was 12, my father and brother and I were driving back from Pilot Knob, where some unusual lights had been spotted. We saw none. Back then there was no development in the forest between Lesterville and the campground, only unmarked forest service roads that we took every summer. A rain storm had moved in and we were driving in pitch black. An extremely bright light appeared in the dark above the trees nearby. We stopped, turned off the car and headlights, and watched. It hovered for several minutes, then moved horizontally and disappeared into the dark. The light was bright enough that we couldn't see what it was attached to, but we'd never seen anything move that way in the sky.

Posted 2022-12-22

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