NUFORC Sighting 171211

Occurred: 2022-08-19 11:14 Local
Reported: 2022-08-19 08:14 Pacific

Location: , GA, USA

Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams, Electrical or magnetic effects

Cumulative Report 3


Just had my life threatened again by the Greys.

If anyone had any doubts, the Men In Black are the Greys themselves. I’ve heard absolutely nothing from any governmental agency within the United States. Not only did they threaten my life, but my entire family as well. They’ve also threatened my oldest son, whom is autistic with psychological torture and “arrest”basically directly threatened to brainwash my child and they act like there’s nothing I can do about it.

This is Cognitive Human Interface/Telepathy

The FAA has no outlet to report UAP/UFOs and direct any reporting to either Nuforc or Mufon. Just being honest, but this requires a significantly higher level of resources than either of these have.

Not allowing public reporting directly to the government is a HUGE mistake. I do not understand the separation of the public from its government.

Lawson Army airfield was also mentioned and I can confirm that they were over Ft. Benning Ga from Dec 2020- Jan 2021.

“No clandestine bullshit” was what they told me at that time in 2020 and I obliged. I worked at Fort Benning for two months on a short term contracted job. Dec 2020-Jan 2021

I will try to begin breaking down their communications but it will be a huge risk as I do this.

This is a clear example of what I know to be happening all around the world. The “aliens thoughts became Joe Bidens thoughts” and the “aliens emotions became Joe Bidens emotions.” That’s how telepathic technology works, it’s alien tech and it’s being done from the sky via UAPs. Orbs.

Same goes for Vlad Putin and other world leaders. They are playing a very dangerous game with humanity and only humanity is paying the price for it.

Biden is being systematically controlled by Alien Greys via UAPs above his head. This is happening in real time on national television. They are speaking to him and it’s coming out of his mouth. “I’m in his territory” stated at 1:34 Multiple UAPs used here. “Interpreters and “trusted interlockers”

A Presidents words are important

This is in fact a “channeled” communication from a Grey through the President of the United States. Using Cognitive Human Interface.

This Grey has “clearance to do what it does” and is protected by Alien Grey military or “marines” as they put it.

“You are safe as long as you are in the field of the Marines” was a communication given to the “field operators” or “ interlockers” which are the alien grey “interpreters” seen working here in this video and messaging through Biden.

On the other side, Don Lemon is unaware that another Grey is attempting to “activate the beam of light” at him as well. The Grey “interlocked” or attached to Joe Biden is relaying the information “you see” “no, it works” to the alien Grey that has “locked on” to Don Lemon.

There’s a lot more to learn in this video, but I’ll
refrain for now.

Just believe me when I say an Alien Grey has threatened a “winter of death” for Americans.

How the word “vaccinations relates to alien”. The word vaccine means “cow”. This is so abhorrent but it’s true. To “take the vaccine”’is alien Grey wordplay for “take the cow” meaning to abduct through the use of the “beam of light” aka “cognitive human interface.” A literally abduction through the cerebral cortex.

I can teach you all about their wordplay and obfuscated means of communication, delta timelines, and more if you can understand the scenario played out in this brief clip.

They do communicate to one another in the manner I just described to you. The Grey “interlocked” to Joe Biden is in fact communicating to the Grey “interlocked” or attempting to connect to Don Lemon and he sees there is some apprehension in doing so. They are literally communicating with one another through the individual or “target” they are “locked” onto.

This is nothing less than an alien abduction, or “arrest”, done from the sky. The President is being tracked by Greys everywhere he goes and is in a virtual prison, he is a captured President.

All of this done via UAPs above their heads. All of it done through an invisible beam of light directed at their cerebral cortex. Tracked 1:1 everywhere he goes.

2018-10-05 01:27:12 (UTC+1)
>>3337502 Are you ready to see Arrests? Are you ready to see PAIN? Are you ready to be part of history? Q

Here gain, abductions and torture

I was not told everything I know, it was lessons learned, off and on over extended periods of time, AG sessions which I did not initiate, pain and agony, attacked, and observed 24/7 by alien greys for almost 4 years now. At some point a Grey mentioned to another, “Now I know what they are capable of” which they were surprised of my ability to not only adapt but also to decipher their communications, attempt thwart their advances, and to think analytically while being threatened, harassed, abused, and attacked. I don’t give up and I never concede.

Also, and this may be important.

I am not under any NDA of any kind whatsoever.

Multiple Greys can communicate at one time telepathically and coordinate. One of the things the Greys did not understand was that when they are neurologically attached to me they lost communication with each other, so they have to communicate through me as a conduit. I knew that. And they did not understand that I could hear the thoughts of the Greys around them as well. Meaning the greys in the background that were not attached to me could be heard because the Grey that was attached to me was in the same vicinity as they were.

They spent 4 years blowing their cover.

I explained the “Game Theory” q drops in a prior report, using “schizophrenia” as a cover for the truth. “Preexisting health conditions” used to cover Joe Bidens behavior and mental decline/instability

If there are any conditions to a peaceful resolution I have not found any. I’m still hoping, but I learned from a very intelligent man a long time ago that hope in and of itself changes nothing, policy does.

Alien technology is not supernatural and it’s not interdemsional. It may seem that way, like “magic”, but it’s all technological and it’s all being used intentionally and with malice by your enemy, the Alien Grey.

* #860
2018-03-06 16:06:22 (UTC+1)
1st BOOM revealed. Did you catch it? The last will be Magical. Q

——It’s Us Vs Them

——-For control of humanity and of our planet, for “the soul” of America.

#1937 at 2018-08-28 00:16:17 (UTC+1)

No deals. Q

2018-02-21 07:11:10 (UTC+1)
AG Sessions. US Cyber Task Force. Important. Q

“AG Sessions” meaning Alien Grey sessions

Here again, Q is alien Grey and is the enemy of the people of the United States and they have targeted not only the US Goverment, it’s intelligence agencies, but also it’s civilian population.

* #466
2018-01-05 22:36:38 (UTC+1)
How do you destroy the most POWERFUL country in the world? Direct attack? Covert OP by [CLAS-59#241-Q] to infiltrate at highest level to destroy from within? Think GAME. Who are the PLAYERS? What are the REWARDS? AMERICA FOR SALE. PATRIOTS in FULL CONTROL. We will make more public. SA was strategic. "We know" "Do as we say or face consequences" These people are stupid! Q

—-This is a direct threat to humanity, “do as we say or face consequences”

* #4942
2020-10-30 15:38:45 (UTC+1) This is not about R v D. This is about preserving our way of life. If America falls, the World falls. Patriots on guard. Q

Side note- The alien greys way of life has been through an economy based on “selling” humans for their “game”. I believe that they get paid by their government to do so. They are looking to preserve their way of life. This is about Alien Greys capturing and destroying America. They are also mocking us and our intelligence as they do so.

The hostile takeover of America has already happened from the top. I have mentioned before about a plan of not only infiltration but of manipulation and possible extortion on a National or global scale.

* #151
2017-11-14 17:51:10 (UTC+1)
How do you capture a very dangerous animal? Do you attack it from the front? Do you walk through the front door? Do you signal ahead of time you will be attacking? How do you distinguish between good and bad? Who do you trust to keep secrets? How do you prevent leaks? Who do you trust to complete the mission? How do you prevent warnings being sent?

* #5
2017-10-29 16:47:18 (UTC+1)
Cover for The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. Also many are thinking from one point of view, US only, this evil is embedded globally. US is the first domino. Have faith.

* #10
2017-10-30 02:57:27 (UTC+1)
Again, good people were forced into bed with this evil under personal and family threats. Could you live with yourself helping to cover up such evil despicable acts if given a safe way out? These people worship Satan _ some openly show it.

This is 100% true and that’s why I know there are people out there being disclosed to that had no desire for alien contact, nor were they even interested in disclosure.

“These people” he’s referring to I have no idea, but the Greys specifically told me they see themselves as “people”.

Side note- interesting how he states cover for the truth is “mind blowing.”

They have no problem with being seen as evil. They know about every alien trope and will play the part of good or evil if they see it benefiting them. They know about the idea that Greys are Angelic, Supernatural, Demonic, Satanic, and Evil. The Greys so in fact worship Satan. They use this belief system to their advantage and hide behind its symbolism.

It’s just technology, that’s it.

* #2973
2019-03-05 21:36:33 (UTC+1)
Criminal Aliens. Big fraud schemes." Do you think the above is UT related? Crumbs are being dropped and missed. Think scope. Q

-They will absolutely defraud the people this country if they can. Some are already in contact and some think they are talking to Pleadians or some other alien life. It’s nothing less than Alien Grey Deception.

—They can only control that narrative without public disclosure of the capabilities of the Greys via UAPs.

* #3626
2019-11-25 00:33:39 (UTC+1)
Targeted and silenced (gag) for a reason? PAIN coming. Q

* #2654
2019-01-06 18:06:00 (UTC+1)
Public opinion (optics) do not matter. Temps can be very dangerous to those who are Targeted. Q

—I guess he’s saying that he doesn’t give a shit what the public thinks about the Grey. Interesting Q notes temps, because they can and do target the thyroid and glandular systems of the body. It’s obvious to me when a person is being targeted as it effects their complexion. It’s the body reaction to being attacked.

* #2319
2018-10-03 05:50:21 (UTC+1)
Target provided w/ info to prep [counter]. The More You Know... Q

—This statement is somewhat true. There is info to prep, I know their communications very well.

2018-09-07 22:05:43 (UTC+1)

—-this was a directive given to silence those that have been openly contacted and targeted. Here again, Q was giving directives to “others”, meaning Greys, on how to handle targeted people that may know too much.

It doesn’t bother them to tell you that what they do is illegal and unconstitutional and immoral. They laugh at terminology such as “illegal aliens…and “criminals crossing the border every day” They find that shit humorous. They do not acknowledge or respect our laws. They see this as their country and their World and they operate as a global terrorist organization.

These are all directives that pertain to Greys compromising and silencing targeted people after disclosure. FISA is an obscure way of defining Alien Surviellance. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

FISAGATE meaning Alien Grey imprisonment. Greys have in fact imprisoned people around the world in their own homes. The stalk their houses from the sky and have tortured people to keep them in fear and imprisonment. Many many people have not realized that they are targeted by Greys. They have no idea the physical toll on their bodies and mental anguish they are experiencing is coming from the sky. They aren’t even they high up, everyone and I mean everyone thinks they are seeing a star, until it moves.

* #4685
2020-09-12 18:47:18 (UTC+1)
MSDNC CON: the Country is divided and dementia Joe [currently taking early-stage dementia medication?] is leading across-the-board. HOW DO YOU AMPLIFY A DESIRED THEME-NARRATIVE? MSDNC controls what you see [digital echo]. Twitter - FB - GOOG control what you see and what trends [digital echo]. Hollywood ['Stars'] swarm to enforce ['trend' echo]. Blue checkmarks swarm to enforce [digital echo]. ANTIFA swarm to enforce [non_digital echo]. Rage and emotion follow by those indoctrinated [echo controlled]. Define 'indoctrinate'. to often repeat an idea or belief to someone in order to persuade them to accept it Next: grab 'rage & emotion' [organized platform(s)] by indoctrinated and project as 'majority' [zoom and enhance _narrow focus as mainstream]. System of control. Many choose the path of least resistance. For many you cannot tell them the truth. You must show them. Only at the precipice will people find the will [strength] to change and break the system of control [be free]. Q

——I wouldn’t exactly call Qanon a liar, Qanon is a propagandist for the Alien Greys and always points the finger at human beings as a scapegoat. Always. Q keeps talking about freedom and at the same time Q is the Alien Grey oppressor. They know they can control both sides of information/disinformation. Any talk of Q and “human freedom” in the same sentence is pure propaganda.

That’s only possible without disclosure. The only way it possible for them to do this is through NONDISCLOSURE.

-Disclosure needs to happen sooner rather than later. The Greys can not be allowed to be the ones to disclose themselves to the public. The only problem I see is that if you can’t understand what I’ve outlined here, then you won’t understand that THEY MAY BE IN CONTROL OF THE NARRATIVE OF PUBLIC DISCLOSURE AND IF THAT WERE TO HAPPEN IT WOULD BE ABSOLUTELY CATASTROPHIC. THE PUBLIC HAS NO BASELINE EXPERIENCE TO GO OFF OF AND WILL BE COMPLETELY FUCKED BY THE GREYS “INFLUENCE AND DISINFORMATION”.

I’ll repeat here what President Eisenhower stated, he knew there was a very major problem with outside influence. I believe the Military Industrial Complex to be either influenced by the Greys or controlled and “forced” by them outright.

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. -Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower-

It’s possible that they could gain the trust of the American people and use that to have them revolt against their own country or be their “cattle” or “sheep”. That’s a huge concern and it’s a possibility.

They stated to me on Jan 6, 2021 that the “insurrection” was the best day in their history. I refrained from comment and did not watch that madness unfold as I didn’t want to see it. I knew lives were being ruined and “outside influencers” were there to make sure it was chaotic as possible.

The rollout from Afghanistan went the same way, pure chaos and then the Taliban went hunting house to house, much like the Greys behavior. Embarrassing for our President and Mark Milley, whom was “distracted with other things” or so I’ve heard.

No follow up on Qanon/Q whatsoever, none. It’s shocking to me that site still operates. It has a fully qualified domain name and everything. Complete denial about what’s happening there.

No disclosure of the events at Roswell (Corona, NM). “Cognitive Human interface” was learned there. This stuff is real and all of these weapons systems are being used against the people of the United States.

There was a Q drop stating “Sky Event” and “Corona down” that I can no longer find. Some of those Q drops were deleted as time went on.

I also reported they shot me in the back of the throat and sinus cavity with some sort of particle accelerator and I developed a fever and flu like symptoms for days after, that’s the truth. I could have died.

There is a gentleman in Israel that has been attacked by the Greys as well and he stated that they were spreading diseases from the sky, which I can not disagree with.

I’ve also been hit with electronic weapons many times to the point that it seemed like I could smell my own brain burning. Around my lips and eyes, tongue and throat having felt like they have electrical burns. All of this happening while I’m in my own home. Threats, intimidation, and being attacked while your government gets played like a fiddle by the Greys is not exactly a fun time.

* #4157
2020-05-08 19:56:34 (UTC+1)
Is this about the Virus OR THE ELECTION? Q

No avenue for the public to report UAP/USO, alien abduction or involvement concerns directly to the government. None.

No real UAP disclosure whatsoever, none other than a few videos and minute details about their mode of transportation which is basically meaningless information for the average human.

* #1276
2018-04-26 19:16:46 (UTC+1)
>>1197573 Marching into the Darkness - lyrics. Follow the Stars. It's everywhere. Q

“Orbs”, “Ball of Light” UAPs all over the place. Q is without a doubt a global alien Grey attack.

At best guess there are roughly 4000 UAPs across the US and other parts of the globe.

From what I’ve seen so far, our intelligence agencies have fallen for every trap laid in their path.

When will disclosure happen?

2019-08-01 17:22:36 (UTC+1)
[C] Before [D]. [C]oats Before [D]eclas. The month of AUGUST is traditionally very HOT. You have more than you know. Q

These aliens have disclosed themselves to only a few people and that was by design. Not even Nuforc or Mufon has any real disclosure after decades of trying to filter through leaked information.

2018-08-31 19:55:13 (UTC+1)

——The Greys are psychopaths and are pushing for America’s downfall. These fucking scumbags are attacking families all around the country.

Activate CODE: [0 0000 018739 7-ZjG] Q, DELTA
* #703
2018-02-10 08:33:29 (UTC+1)
"Rest in peace Mr. President (JFK), through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, Activated, the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE." Prayer said every single day in the OO. JFK - Secret Socities. Where we go one, we go all. Q

— JFK more than likely doesn’t mean John F. Kennedy unless the Greys are talking about shooting a President in the head and throat like they did to me as I mentioned previously, probably closer to the name OritQ which is some sort of a cult following based around some idea of an alien reincarnation of JFK.

I mentioned this name to them at some point in 2020 and was almost immediately got negative feedback, here again I can feel their emotions as well so it’s not like they can hide that. There might be some credence to it being their leaderships name or a code name.

There are two other alien names I can give you as well, but I’m holding off on those in case military intelligence needs a private testimony.

They told me they see themselves as “people too”. The Greys are psychopaths, pathological liars, and manipulators. Also COWARDS.

Alien targeting and harassment has lead to things like Austin Steinbart and Nickolous Cruz.

Disclosure is that fucking bad and even worse. Many of the public mental health breakdowns are actually alien targeting, following, and harassment akin to MKULTRA and alien brainwashing. Disclosure has been absolutely agonizing for me to witness.

Nick Cruz and Austin Steinbart both had “trust sessions” with greys and were both manipulated into actionable offenses imo. “Ghost Guns” makes sense in Cruz case.

The Christmas Parade massacre perpetrator stated “I’m feeling like I’m being Monster- Demonized.”

It’s very important to understand how that was worded, he also felt like he was “dehumanized”
There’s a lot to this article and everything here is within the capabilities of the Alien Grey through targeted alien stalking and “activating the beam of light” via UAP or “ball of light” “orbs” directed at him after surveillance. It’s important to note how things are worded because they can be coming from the Greys that are stalking that guy. In this case I believe it was.

* #776
2018-02-15 20:30:51 (UTC+1)
>>388315 Yes. Target subjects are pre disposable to certain mental illnesses. Target subjects are scouted over a period of time to study and arrange 'THERAPY'. 'THERAPY' takes [x] to Break the mind into a functional/programmable device. Science Fiction? Q

—-This is a Q admission of guilt of AG targeting and abusing adults and even little kids, some of them on the autism spectrum using “mental illness” and disabilities as a cover for Alien Grey targeting and brainwashing. Fucking Grey Nazis. Alien Greys are in fact guilty of brainwashing innocent human beings through their cerebral cortex and altering their emotional state.

Stalking, or as Q puts it, “scouting” and abusing little children from the sky or anywhere else for that matter is not acceptable to me and it shouldn’t be you either. Alien stalking of any human should require a NATO response imho.

Also, Bidens family is targeted.

* #3625
2019-11-24 17:23:47 (UTC+1) [HUNTER]s become the hunted. Senate was the target. Q
* #3621
2019-11-22 17:43:23 (UTC+1) Coordinated and planned? Spy_insert(s)? Puppets have masters. Senate was the target. Q

Like I said before Qanon is Alien Grey disclosure of crimes against humanity perpetrated from the Greys themselves. They are that “comfy in their bread” that their info is safe. They can in fact control Human thought, emotion, and cognitive reactions/muscular reactions from the sky. It’s systematic abuse.

Whatever “therapy” he is discussing are these “trust sessions” or “AG Sessions” I’m describing. It’s when they tell these people they know they you are and try and gain your confidence. It’s a complete con game. “Fake News is the enemy of the people”. They more than likely have done this to people that have committed heinous crimes around the country. Here again, I have no idea why they chose to disclose this to me.

* #1480
2018-06-12 22:31:20 (UTC+1)
Ghost-Con active. Approval 58203-JX

2020-09-12 17:30:17 (UTC+1)
[D]eceivers. Welcome to the [D] Party con. Q

Side note—They have referred to Dragon Energy or Dark Energy (DE) several times. This nomenclature [D] Party is used a lot throughout Qanon’s drops and doesn’t
mean “democrat”. They were really pushing for a “reptilian” angle here with satanic messaging, but they are “acting” alien greys. Also they like the serpeant symbology and have used it multiple times in Q drops. They also referenced the “Grey Pope” with some sort of Asia/China reference and dragon symbolism there as well.

This may also be in reference to Dewight Ensinhower and “influence sought or unsought by the military industrial complex”

8.14.22 they inferred to me that the Greada Treaty was accurate

* #3598
2019-11-15 20:04:34 (UTC+1) "Whistle Blower Traps" [Mar 4 2018] 'Trap' keyword select provided….. Whole or (parts) - Break/Break You have more than you know. Q

I guess I’m the whistleblower if you want to call it that.

But If anyone fell for a trap it was them.

2018-09-04 18:10:45 (UTC+1) CLOCKWORK. Q

Another, now deleted Q post

“This is about THE BREAK.”

Sandy Hook, all of the major mass shootings. Done by Alien Greys influence via UAPs targeting and “infiltrating” peoples lives from the sky and with malice.

If you don’t believe it’s possible all you need to look at is a deranged Vlad Putin who is without a doubt a victim of alien targeting.

AATIP WAS 100% CORRECT when they stated that the technology exists to influence decision makers. It’s a fact, not a theory.


Just look at this shit.


There’s still a lot more I can tell you about these fuckers as they left their shit laying around every fucking where. We haven’t even scratched the surface of what they’ve done here yet. They are your, and my enemy, my families enemy and your families enemy and our childrens enemy. All of us.


If my Country needs my assistance for anything whatsoever I am available. Full testimony would take about a month solid. There is a lot more that I can teach you about The Greys.

Probably need to talk to the guy in Athens Ga, the report of UAP problems in Chicago IL, and the lady in Columbus Ohio area that all reported alien stalking to Nuforc as well. There are even more reporting on Reddit as well as by private message. The iThere’s more out there I’m sure. I have no idea what they’ve been led to believe but they definitely know that they are under attack from above.

Biden, Xi, and Putin need to be briefed asap. Hopefully before a nuclear war or the Fall of America.

* #4915
2020-10-21 18:56:57 (UTC+1)
A deep dark world is being exposed. The Truth won't be for everyone. Have faith in Humanity. Q

—-Q messaging is part propaganda and he is 100% backing his side here, the Alien Grey.

They hate human freedom and they were looking for gullible humans to follow and push the Q “movement” while they stalk them in their sleep.

No one knew they were Greys at the time, even myself. Like I said before I didn’t even realize they were so hostile until later. They’ve stated multiple times they were going to use me as a scape goat but that may just be another intimidation tactic.

Hillary Clinton was also attacked throughout the 2016 campaign. I’m not advocating any political opinion I’m just trying to link any article describing her “mysterious” illnesses.


More Q posts here:

A now deleted Q post stated that:

“We are ready to unleash HELL.”

—-This is in reference “demonic” activity. It’s all done by the Greys through alien tech and fucked up Greys.

AMERICA has been sold to the Highest bidder. AMERICA has been weakened on purpose. The depths of their TREASON is unimaginable. Pure EVIL. HELL on earth - HRC victory. Q

I have no idea whom HRC is, but it’s not Hillary Clinton.

Alien Greys are in fact gangstalking American citizens, and people within Government. Those “in the know” are being threatened and intimidated. The government, CIA, or any other intelligence agency has nothing to do with it.

—if such information is learned? What price are you (the PUBLIC) willing to pay? Did you ever play HIDE-AND-SEEK? Q

——This is another stalking/harassment/intimidation admission of guilt. Harassing by Greys of people that know this information. They literally exposed themselves to human beings and then hunted them afterwards.

* #4682
2020-09-12 17:34:03 (UTC+1)
Attempts to 'normalize' Will fail. Who Will be next? Q

Another admission of guilt from the Greys and an admission that they are hunting human beings and governments/society as a whole.

This also is in reference to everday normal life for those living with the “Corona Virus” or “long Covid” which is nothing but long term Alien stalking and electronic harassment using wave form electromagnetic weapons on the systems of the body on a large number of people. This is being done from the sky using UAPs. These “symptoms” of “long Covid” are one and the same as what I’ve encountered daily, well before the “Corona” virus outbreak. All of it done while I’m knowingly being stalked and preyed upon by them.

Now that they have a plausible cover to hide behind, they will use it. They created it. It’s one of those things that I told you about in my first report, they hide behind plausible deniability even though they implemented the problem in the first place.

Trying to normalize my life during this has been unsuccessful for the most part. I mainly suffer in silence as do my other counterparts going through this.

—-Q is stating that America is “No longer for sale” that it is “free for the taking.”

* #3599
2019-11-16 18:13:56 (UTC+1)
The Harvest [crop] has been prepared and soon will be delivered to the public for consumption. A Higher Loyalty [Y]. Hunters become the Hunted. Treason. Sedition. How do you remove a liability? Six o' clock can be dangerous. Family proud? Q

Those “in the know” are being threatened and intimidated. The government, CIA, or any other intelligence agency has nothing to do with any threats that I know of. I’ve received no threats whatsoever from any human regarding this subject, only Greys.

“The Harvest”, what the fuck. Ready to do something about this problem yet? I know I am

I don’t think many people will truly understand how dramatic of a video these are. All of them done in real time with real Alien Grey UAP/UFOs above my head while I explain some of their weapons capabilities, communications, tactics, and intentions. I still have a lot more that I’m willing to share with the DOD, MI-6, etc.

I have other video that is way too disturbing to be shown here.

These UAPs are fully equipped with advanced weapons systems.

This is a Global problem and it’s an immediate threat to National Security and Global Security. They have adamantly refused to discuss if any agreements that have ever been signed with the United States government.

If other democratic governments need my assistance I’m willing to help. I love my country and I also know this is a worldwide problem for all western societies. Other nations probably have their own contactees there.

I like freedom and am not interested in helping any nation known for human rights violations. The West is the only hope for human freedom in the world. These leaders have all been attacked and probably a lot more. Putin is being led like a dog.


I’ve experienced most of these things while being harassed/interrogated by the Greys and I know what I’m looking at here.

I feel like I’m giving you more disclosure than anyone else has ever been able to do. Here again, I’ve been in contact with the Greys and I know everything I’ve told you has been as accurate as possible.

This is alien targeting of this lady and cognitive human interface, or alien “infiltration” or “influence” without her even being aware of it. It’s happening all over the country and costing people their lives. They can project sound at her telepathically for days on end and keep her stimulated all night long and that’s what they did to her. She heard my dogs, but it wasn’t from them, it was from the UAP stalking her. My dogs are inside every night but she hears them for hours on end. In one of my earlier reports I mentioned that they use weaponized telepathy and what I just described to you is just one of their methods.

They can, and do harm animals. There’s a reason why UFOs and “animal reactions” to them are noticed. It has nothing to do with the animals “instincts” or anything of that nature. They are also targeted by the Grey. They will lash out aggressively because they are being controlled or put into an altered state by their central nervous system via UAP.

I’ve seen it in my dogs and I’m telling you I’ve been gang stalked by them for 4 years and I know their capabilities. I mean that.


I do have them on video on 06.05.21 denying everything. I will share that with the DOD.

I’ve had my life threatened on several occasions.


This is an open assault on a sitting President and an act of War. This is an example of Cognitive Human Interface live on National television:


Overheard them say “I forgot how to use this thing” then had some sort of feeling of a wave go through my forehead that stopped my breathing just momentarily, almost lost consciousness for a split second and gasp for air. Felt labored breathing for some time after.


7:00 am
On the way to taking the kids to the bus I was told “this is his last day of school.” They didn’t respond when I kept questioning what they were talking about.

10:15 am
Took morning a nap, threats to me via a dream, woke up to the school calling that my son Mason has a 103 degree fever.

I’m doing my best here and I hope everyone can understand why I have to tell this truth.

They are gangstalking and tormenting the family of an army CSM at Ft. Bragg. They have children with special needs the same as me.

8.19.22 they admitted today they have been targeting me using X-rays to kill me.

I give permission for all of my social media accounts, private messages, etc including my iCloud and all media accounts to be handed over to the Pentagon and the DNI in the event of my death.

Nuforc has my email address.


Best regards,

Posted 2022-10-08

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