NUFORC UFO Sighting 17105

Occurred: 1993-06-01 02:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2001-04-03 00:00 Pacific
No of observers: 0

Location: Tehran (Iran), , Iran

Shape: Flash
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo

I was asleep at my aunt's house in my cousins room. I woke up 2:30am(1993) in the middle of the night without even preceding a dream or a nightmare. It was weird. Then I knew something was wrong. So I got curious to look out of the window. I remember I always used to look at three bright starts in a triangular shape in the sky because I always felt something about them. I was looking out of the window for a few minutes. Then I suddenly noticed one of the stars (I always used to look at) was shining so bright, but nothing happened for a few seconds until I finally saw a bright object appear exactly from that spot with the same size of the star that I was looking, and was inclining in my direction (and growing bigger). I was shocked when I saw the scene. The UFO reached me in just about two seconds with so much speed that the scene was like slow motion and that was the scariest part of the incident. After it came right in front of my face, I was just looking at it (like if I was trying to explore something) without even getting scared. But after three or four seconds it vanished. Then I got scared again and I started crying. I couldn't believe it because I was a kid (11 years old) But still, I wonder why I woke up when nothing even happened and knew that I had to go by the window and see those 3 stars until a UFO comes out of one of the starts, exactly in my direction and right in front of my face and then it vanishes. At first the object was like a star. But then it turned into a UFO and it grew bigger when it came closer to me. The object was very bright and it had green, red and orange lights. Unfortunately the object was so bright that I couldn't even see how the body looked like. But after I saw the UFO pictures, I presumed it was like the large pleiadian ship (~20 meter diameter, 18 ports around rim, red/orange bottom)


Date is approximate. PD

Posted 2001-04-28

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