NUFORC Sighting 171004

Occurred: 2022-08-03 22:45 Local
Reported: 2022-08-07 19:16 Pacific
Duration: Approximately 30 seconds.
No of observers: 1

Location: Aberdeen, NC, USA
Location details: Backyard of private residence.

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

Orange light grew in size/intensity while stationary, flew north, stopped, then disappeared.

It was a very clear sky that evening. I noticed an orange light that stood out from the rest of the stars. I figured it was a planet, so I focused my attention on the light. The light began to grow in size/intensity. The light was stationary at this point. After about 10 seconds it began to move in the north direction. It moved far enough that I had to turn my head to keep eyes on it. The movement was at a moderate speed. After about another 10 seconds of movement it stopped. The intensity reduced to what I initially saw and it remained stationary for another 10 seconds before it disappeared. No sound during the sighting.

Posted 2022-09-09

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