NUFORC UFO Sighting 170440
Occurred: 2022-06-26 16:49 LocalReported: 2022-07-15 06:55 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
Location: Zagreb, , Croatia (Hrvatska)
Location details: Above Jarun lake
Shape: Cigar
My family and me were ar the lake beach, I was sunbathing and noticed this thing at the sky. It looked weird so I filmed it with my pho
I saw this object while sunbathing at Jarun beach, I was with my family (son you can hear on the tape, and my husband). It was unusual so I filmed it. It was the size of the plane seen from the ground but had a different shape. I tried to zoom it about 5x. It moved very fast and slowed very fast. I thought it was a drone by the way it moved, but it was too far up and didn't have the shape of the drone so I don't know. Maybe it is something military. I don't believe in UFOs, this is just in case.
Posted 2022-09-09
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