NUFORC UFO Sighting 17032

Occurred: 1970-01-01 00:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2001-03-24 00:00 Pacific

Location: Cologne (Germany), , Germany


Dream spaceship long years ago, same direction as the comet from some month ago!

I was looking an UFO Report on tv today and I remembered me of a dream that was somewhat realistic that I sould tell you. Sorry for my bad english language, but the dream might be interesting to some of you. Some years ago, I had a somewhat realistic dream. I do not tell you my name or other things, because i just want to report. I looked out of my window in the night. The night was clear, I could see the stars. It was silence. I could see a group of space-ships flying to the earth, they were slow, not fast. And there was no light or something, they all where brown/grey. It was a gigantic formation with houndrets of ships coming directly out of the sky to the earth. It was looking as they would directly fly to my window, it was gigantic. I could hear nothing, it was completely silent everywhere. No engines, nothing. And they were moving very slow. The formation was as long as i could see, approx one or two ships in a group, then the next formation. Like a small street, but very long, as long as you could see. I remember that the front side of the ships where with red lights and yellow within the light. But only the front site, i could not see a ship from behind. I could not move myself or do anything, i was looking and i can´t move myself. It was unbelievable. Then, i am not sure, because it was long time ago when I had this dream, I think that they startet to shoot, but then i waked up. I am not sure if they really where shooting, i can not remember this. But i can remember the formation in the dream as if i dreamed this dream yesterday, but it must be 10 years ago. A dream is a dream, but this was unbeleavable realistic. I felt the same feeling as wheere a comet some years ago flew in the near of the earth where you could see something if the comet in the sky. exatcly on the same position of my house i had the dream of the direction of the space ships. Again sorry for my bad english.. however.. in the dream the location of the space shipts was the same as i could see the comet flying in the near of the earth some time ago, i forgot the name of the comet but we all could see it. It was the same location! So i think that the ships will come from this direction, too if the dream will come true. This dream *is* true. There was no strange light except the red light, and it was somewhat silent... and gigantic, as if your days are counted. I am living in germany near cologne. Thats all. Someone unknown


Source is anonymous, date is unknown. Location is assumed. We usually do not include reports of dreams, but we have decided to include this one, since it seems to us that the recollection of the dream is clear, and the witness seems very serious. PD

Posted 2001-04-01

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