NUFORC UFO Sighting 17029
Occurred: 2001-03-27 02:20 LocalReported: 2001-03-28 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 1 second
No of observers: 1
Location: Montreal (Canada), QC, Canada
Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Left a trail
UFO followed by intense green flame sighted flying over residential area of Montreal, Quebec.
At 2:20am, as I was watching TV (Jay Leno), I saw something fly right over mine and my neighbor's houses at quite a speed. I couldn't tell what the object itself was, but whatever it was, it had a bright, intense, GREEN flame following it. There was abosolutely no noise, it didn't crash anywhere, so it must have just kept on going beyond my sight. The sky was clear, and nothing I've ever seen fly through the sky has ever looked like that under any circumstances. I contacted the local airport control tower to double check their radars, but they didn't return any information on the subject.
Posted 2001-04-01
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