NUFORC UFO Sighting 170136
Occurred: 2022-05-24 21:08 LocalReported: 2022-06-28 20:08 Pacific
Duration: 2-3 min
No of observers: 2
Location: Carmel, CA, USA
Location details: High in the hills east of downtown Carmel in the front yard of a home.
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Changed Colo
Huge, bright red/orange lights over the ocean.
While on vacation from TX, admiring the beautiful night sky approximately 9:08pm, I saw 3 very bright, huge, round, orange/red lights that formed a triangle. I looked away and within a minute the sky lit up with probably10-12 very bright orange/red lights in 3 or 4 perfect lines of 5-6 per line. They were stationary and for a few seconds they took up a very large area. They didn’t move around except to disappear and appear again. Many remained and I had my husband look, he filmed only the very end. The video is of the last 31 seconds…Many in the middle had disappeared and left a few in front of me to my right. The few on the right didn’t form a specific shape but others to the left were disappearing and appearing in a perfect line much smaller and closer then the first lines. When the film is slowed it shows the line of lights changing colors to red, white, yellow and green. They didn’t move at all except for disappearing and appearing a few times and then they were completely gone. At the time I didn’t see the bright orange/red change colors but my husband had. When we watch the film 1 frame at a time you can see that the light farthest to the left is definitely in the shape of a triangle and the color change, but they all looked round to me. It was completely quiet during the whole sighting.
Posted 2022-09-09
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