NUFORC UFO Sighting 167768
Occurred: 2022-05-01 04:00 LocalReported: 2022-05-06 18:27 Pacific
Duration: 4-6 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: San Miguel, CA, USA
Location details: In the sky over the hills east of Camp Roberts
Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
Object observed flying southwest to northeast over the sky, resembling a shooting star, then making unreasonable movements.
On Sunday, May 1st, 2022, at approximately 0410 hours, while conducting training with the California Army National Guard out of Camp Roberts California, a fellow guardsman and I observed an unidentified object making incredible movements in the sky.
At approximately 0410 hours, a fellow guardsman and I were conducting pre-checks for our trucks(HMMWV). I looked up at the night sky to observe the stars while waiting for the ignition wait light in the truck to turn off. When I looked up, I saw what appeared to be a shooting star flying from southwest to northeast. The object was moving VERY fast and pulsed moderately. It appeared bright with a white color, and at a distance far enough away to not have a distinct shape, only appearing as a dot in the sky. I then stated to my partner standing next to me, "Look, a shooting star," to which he stopped and looked up toward the object.
The object then crossed into what would be the northeast portion of the sky, slightly dimmed, and without slowing made an immediate change of direction westward. The object regained it's original luminosity immediately after the change in direction, traveled for no longer than half a second at the same speed in the westward direction, and then again changed direction northbound. This second change in direction was the same at the first without the object dimming before the change in direction. After the northbound change in direction, the object continued north until it appeared to dime and ultimately faded out of our visual range, though again did not change color while dimming.
The changes in direction were in the literal sense immediate. There was no curve in its path. The change in direction was akin to a pool ball striking the side of a pool table and bouncing off into a new direction.
The entire sighting lasted no more than 5 seconds. Once the object fade away, both my partner and I confirmed with each other what we had observed. The skies were clear, dark, and had no ambient light pollution where we where located.

Posted 2022-05-31
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