NUFORC UFO Sighting 167752

Occurred: 2022-05-05 21:55 Local
Reported: 2022-05-06 14:52 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 1

Location: Norristown, PA, USA
Location details: Joseph Street area

Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Aircraft nearby, Animals reacted

Watched an orange orb travel sw to ne in a straight line.

I went out back in my yard to let out the dogs to relieve themselves before bed. I looked up and saw an object traveling NE from the Schuylkill river area. I would estimate it to be at about 8 to 10 feet high. It appeared as an orange circular object that was orange in color and had a glow. The bottom is where I could see the 3 orange illuminated triangles. At first I thought it might be one of those memorial bags that are lit. However it was traveling way to fast and in the wrong direction for that. I thought it might be a plane but it was half the size and made no noise. There was a plane nearby to the south and I could clearly see its blinking lights. This object showed no blinking lights. I manged to get my phone out to record it before it went behind some clouds. I didn't notice any change in speed or direction of this object.

Posted 2022-05-31

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