NUFORC UFO Sighting 16770
Occurred: 2001-03-10 21:35 LocalReported: 2001-03-10 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 15-20 sec
No of observers: 1
Location: Beaumont/Moreno Valley, CA, USA
Shape: Diamond
Characteristics: Lights on object
Very big black diamond shaped but slightly flat oval object with bright red lights. The object darted around a few times.
This is the most terrifying thing i have ever seen. I decided to report it. While i was driving in my car on the 60 fwy headed East to the 10fwy (Palm Springs) I noticed a small fierce lighted object in the sky. It looked like a it was going to crash into the mountains. The sky was dark. Overcast weather with slight rain. The object was small at first then all of a sudden ... it got bigger like a flash of pictures. Its movement made no sense to me and i knew it was not a plane or car. It was the size of about 5 semi trucks put together. It had no white, blue, green, or yellow lights ... just red window like very bright lights. It darted from the right to the left and caused me and 4 or 5 other motorists to slow down and check what the heck it was. I couldnt turn around or stop traffic so i kept going. One driver seemed to pull over or lag behind the other vehicles to get a closer look. The Object was Black, with bright red lights, diamond shaped but wider. I noticed it had levels of lights in an organization that was not human like. I would like to hear from others if they saw this object. I am a sane, female. 30 years old. I am a full time professional worker and i was traveling to see my mother in Joshua Tree. I live in Orange County.
We would welcome other reports from anyone who may have witnessed this alleged event. We note that the time of the reported event is stated as 2135 hrs. on March 10, whereas the report was filed at 0036 hrs. on March 10. Perhaps the computer clock is not set to accurate time. PD
Posted 2001-03-16
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