NUFORC UFO Sighting 16762

Occurred: 2001-03-02 21:37 Local
Reported: 2001-03-09 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Hooper (near), NE, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Triangle and companion craft spotted over Hooper, Nebraska.

At 9:37, we were heading south on highway 275, a few miles north of Hooper, Nebraska. I was riding passenger and my girlfriend was driving. I looked out the passenger window and saw a red light in the sky, heading diagonally to our direction. After watching it a few seconds, it changed course to parallel ours and headed south for a few seconds, then resumed it's original course, then headed south and then it's original course again. The object was making incredibly smooth course corrections, with no jerky motion like a helicopter, and I didn't understand why it was jigging right and left. After it crossed in front of us (and my girlfriend saw it too), it came alongside what looked like a dark spot in the sky. We could see three white lights marking htree points of a triangle, a huge one. It looked a little like the "arrowhead" ships from the Start Wars movies. We could make out the outline, and we could not see through it (the night was perfectly clear, and in the rural area we were in, we could see all the starts in the sky). The triangle was "pointed" west, left-to-right base-to-point. We pulled into a convenience store in Hooper. I got out and looked back over the grain elevators where we had seen the triangle, and still couldn't see any stars. I did notice that there was a police officer parked at the convenience store as well, with his dome light on, and he was looking to the north (the direction we had just come from).

Posted 2001-03-16

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