NUFORC UFO Sighting 16758
Occurred: 2001-03-06 23:56 LocalReported: 2001-03-08 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 2 minuets
No of observers: 1
Location: Forestville, CA, USA
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object
red diamond light object western sky just before midnight 3-6-01
I glanced out my west facing window while lying in bed at about 5 till midnight, and saw a red diamond shape of light about the shade of a car tail light, but not as bright. The color dropped off in a gradient, brightest in the center and progressively dimmer towards the boundary of the diamond shape. The diamond shape was thinner in width than in height. It hovered, and moved non-linearly. The size was approximately the diameter of a cigarette at arms length. While I was watching the object, I had a feeling like I knew where it was going to move, or that it was moving in such a way as to manifest my expectations. At this point I got very agitated, and went into the next room to wake up a friend. By the time we looked out the window I could no longer see the object anywhere in the sky. by this time it was about 12 or 12:01 am 3-7-01. I am a student at the local junior college majoring in mathematics. I know enough physics to know that this object wasn't using standard principals of aerodynamic lift, at least as we know them.
Posted 2001-03-16
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