NUFORC UFO Sighting 16748

Occurred: 1999-08-21 02:45 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2001-03-07 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 15 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Gold Bridge/Lilleot (between) (Canada), BC, Canada

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Emitted beams

Bright fire coloured object, unusual tracking, flaring

Myslef and a friend where fishing in mid part of British Columbia, We just finished fishing at Gold Bridge and planned to head to Seaton Portidge. As usual we planned to travel at night so that we might catch teh early fishing in the morning. Alonmg the route is a lake called Carpenter Lake. I belive it approximately 15 miles long. We neared the end of the lake and decided to pull over and grab some coffee from the trunk of the car. It was an extremely clear night and all the stars where out. We noticed a few sattelite and where tracking them in the sky. One was moving in what appeared to much faster than the others. It tracked accross the sky from left to right. It centered on us and flared, The light was brigt red and flickery, almost like fire. It stayed like this moving very little. It flared once fast and bright. The flash appeared to be about hand sized if you where to hold your hand in front of your face. Thats all, I am unsure as to what it was, and perhaps my story does not convey all the emotions that where felt before and after. It was a satellite, certainly not a meteor as it was to close, to bright and to in our face, the pathway for it would not have been possible. Anyway that is what happened...hope it helps


We are very interested in this report, and will attempt to obtain the exact date. PD

Posted 2001-03-16

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