NUFORC UFO Sighting 16747
Occurred: 2001-03-01 02:00 LocalReported: 2001-03-07 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 2min,4min
No of observers: 2
Location: Chiloquin, OR, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby
Three UFO's seen flying over the Klamath sky.
While we were driving along modoc pt rd back to my parents house we saw an extremely bright light hovering about 2-300 feet in the air in the middle of an empty field. When the car got close to the light, just close enough to see the triangular shaped outline, it took off at high speed heading south towards Klamath Falls. We drove the rest of the way home. When we got out of the car, we looked back in the direction that they went, and we saw some craft heading north at extremely high speed, this craft looked to be the shape of a lopsided triangle and had about five to seven varicolored flashing lights along the outline. Soon afterward, an identical craft appeared heading the same direction. This one however was flying in a high speed zigzag pattern. When the craft were overhead, all of the neighborhood dogs began barking. (this may or may not be a result of the craft flying overhead) We watched the craft untill they dissapeared over the north horizon. I have grown up around Kingsley air force base, and have seen all manner of jets and helicopters and these behaved like none of those that I had ever seen.
Posted 2001-03-16
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