NUFORC UFO Sighting 16745
Occurred: 2001-03-03 22:45 LocalReported: 2001-03-07 00:00 Pacific
Duration: ~3 hours
No of observers: 5
Location: Springdale, AR, USA
Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Changed Colo
2 crafts seen in springdale arkansas with police and FBI notification and documentations.
My daughter saw this light thru her bedroom window that was flashing red and green and white and blue lights. She ran in and told my husband and myself. We went outside in the front yard facing the south western direction in the sky and it was very visible to the naked eye. We grabbed the binoculars and looked thru them, it was evident it was not a flying craft that would be recgonized from any military instalation that is known to us. This craft hoovered in the same spot for a very long time, about 20 minates before I decided to call the FBI. I was told to call the local police dept 911. I did so and one police car showed up within 4 minates of the call. Then he got out and looked thru the binoculars and while doing so another showed up. The first officer then went to his car and made a call, then without saying a word drove off like he was in a race. The second officer stayed there with us but walked away for a second to his car and made a call as well, at that time another police car showed up. The third officer got out of the car and looked thru the binoculars as well and went over to the second officer and talked to him. Then about 2 minates later the first car showed back up and jumped out and told me and my daughter who is 13 yrs old, that it was a weather balloon. I knew it was not as this crqft hoovered in the same spot now for almost an hour and the shape of it was like a disk laying down, then about 30 minates later it changed like it had flip to the side. It was now lookimg sidways. About 10 minates after that another light of the same sort showed up right below it. I knew at this time this was not a weather balloon. But they (the officers) would not tell me where this was being reported to. I asked if I could follow this investigation and was denied. Then all 3 of the officers took off. The crafts stayed hoovered about 1 and a half hours longer and then dissapeared. It was very obvious that this was not a weather ballon. I went on the websites to look up weather balloons and nothing I foun! d looked anything like what we saw. Thank you for listening to our experience.
We spoke via telephone with this witness, and we found her to be lucid and serious in her description of the object. Our first suspicion is that they might have been looking at a celestial body, but she insisted that such was not the case. No photograph was taken of the object, apparently, in the course of the approximately 3 hours that it reportedly was observed. PD
Posted 2001-03-16
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